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Acetabularia jalakanyakae

19th August, 2021


  • New algal species with ‘umbrella head’ discovered from Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
  • Measuring as small as 20 to 40 mm, the stunning bright green algae, resembling an umbrella or a mushroom, has grooves on its cap measuring 15 to 20mm in diameter.

More about news:

  • Named after the imaginary sea mermaid, Acetabularia jalakanyakae is very primitive and is a single-cell organism.
  • Its nucleus forms a rhizoid structure, which facilitates the algae to attach itself to shallow rocks.
  • It is highly regenerative in nature. Even if one chops off the top portion, this algae can regrow.

  • As it is primarily a marine algae, the projected sea level rise due to global warming is not as much of a direct threat to its existence.
  • But due to climate change, the oceans are warming and there is increasing acidification — both of which could be harmful,”