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Association of Renewable Energy of States (AREAS)

30th August, 2021


  • The Association of Renewable Energy of States (AREAS) celebrated its 7th Foundation Day.
  • Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) were signed between AREAS and the three institutions, National Institute of Solar Energy, National Institute of Wind Energy and Sardar Swaran Singh National Institute of Bio Energy which function under the administrative control of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy .
  • The MoUs between AREAS and these institutions will further cooperation for promotion of renewable energy technologies in India.
  • Ministry of New & Renewable Energy (MNRE) is the nodal agency at the central level for promotion of grid-connected and off-grid renewable energy in the country.
  • Ministry’s programmes are implemented in close coordination with State Nodal Agencies (SNAs) for renewable energy (RE).

About Association of Renewable Energy Agencies (AREAS):

  • It came into existence in 2014 on the initiative of Ministry of New & Renewable Energy.
  • It has been formed and registered as a society under Society Registration Act 1860.
  • All State Nodal Agencies for renewable energy are members of AREAS.
  • On this platform, they can learn from each came into existence and other’s experience in promotion of renewable energy in the country.
  • Under AREAS the following three Standing Committees are constituted:
    • Standing Committee on Technology and Resource Assessment
    • Standing Committee on Policy and Finance
    • Standing Committee on IT & IMS
  • AREAS has been granted exemption from taxation.