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4th October, 2023

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Context: The UK has awarded a £4 billion ($4.9 billion) contract to BAE Systems, Rolls-Royce, and Babcock to design and manufacture nuclear-powered attack submarines, known as SSN-AUKUS. These submarines are expected to be the largest, most advanced, and most powerful attack submarines ever operated by the Royal Navy. They will incorporate cutting-edge sensors, design, and weaponry.


  • The first SSN-AUKUS submarine is set to be delivered into service in the UK in the late 2030s, with the first Australian submarines following in the early 2040s.
  • This program marks the first time that the US has shared nuclear-propulsion technology with a country other than the UK, indicating a significant level of trust and cooperation between the AUKUS nations.
  • In addition to the SSN-AUKUS submarines, the AUKUS program involves the potential sale of up to five Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarines by the US to Australia in the early 2030s. It also includes plans for US and UK submarines to be deployed in Western Australia by 2027 to assist in training Australian crews.



  • The AUKUS Group is a trilateral security partnership for the Indo-Pacific region, announced in 2021 by Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States.
  • The main objective of this pact is to enhance the collective security and stability of the three countries in the face of rising challenges from China and other actors in the region.
  • The pact also aims to foster cooperation on emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, undersea capabilities and hypersonic weapons.


The AUKUS Group is not a new alliance, but rather a deepening of the existing ties among the three countries, which already share extensive intelligence through the Five Eyes alliance that also includes Canada and New Zealand.

The AUKUS Group is also seen as a complement to the Quad, a grouping of India, USA, Australia and Japan that focuses on broader issues such as maritime security, climate change, disaster relief and vaccine diplomacy.

Significance of the AUKUS Group lies in several key aspects:

Response to Changing Geopolitical Landscape

  • The AUKUS Group is a strategic response to the shifting dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region, particularly in response to China's expanding military and economic influence. It acknowledges the need for a collective approach to address these challenges.

Upholding a Rules-Based Order

  • AUKUS demonstrates a commitment to a rules-based international order and freedom of navigation. By working together, the member countries aim to maintain stability and security in the region, ensuring that international laws and norms are respected.

Shared Vision of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific

  • The group emphasizes the importance of a free and open Indo-Pacific region. This vision aligns with principles such as sovereignty, human rights, and democracy, promoting a space where countries can coexist peacefully and prosper economically.

Collaboration on Cutting-Edge Technologies

  • AUKUS facilitates collaboration on advanced military technologies, particularly in the realm of nuclear submarines. Sharing such sensitive technology signifies a high level of trust and confidence among the member countries. Additionally, it opens avenues for cooperation in various other critical fields such as cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, undersea capabilities, and hypersonic weapons. These technologies are crucial in maintaining military and strategic superiority in the face of evolving threats.

Breaking Traditions and Strengthening Alliances

  • By breaking the tradition of restricting advanced technologies, especially nuclear submarine technology, to only their closest allies, the US and the UK are signalling a deepening of their alliance with Australia. This move strengthens existing alliances and builds new partnerships, fostering a network of nations committed to mutual security and cooperation.

Deterrence and Strategic Advantage

  • AUKUS enhances the military capabilities and interoperability of the member countries. This not only acts as a deterrence against potential adversaries but also provides strategic advantages in the geopolitical arena. The shared technological advancements create a formidable force, dissuading aggressive actions and ensuring regional stability.

India's response to the formation of the AUKUS Group

  • India's approach to the AUKUS Group and its broader engagement in the Indo-Pacific region reflects its strategic objectives and efforts to navigate the complex geopolitical landscape.
  • India's welcoming stance towards the AUKUS Group demonstrates its recognition of the group's potential contributions to regional stability and security. By expressing interest in working closely with AUKUS, India aims to forge partnerships that can address common challenges and enhance security in the Indo-Pacific.
  • India's emphasis on multipolarity reflects its desire to avoid a unipolar or bipolar regional order dominated by any single power. Inclusivity in the Indo-Pacific region aligns with India's vision of cooperative security and open dialogue.
  • India's approach to regional geopolitics involves balancing its interests in countering China's influence with the need to maintain constructive relations with its neighbours and other global powers. It aims to safeguard its strategic autonomy while pursuing its national interests.
  • India's engagement in various areas, including maritime security, climate change, disaster relief, and vaccine diplomacy, underscores its commitment to addressing a wide range of challenges in the Indo-Pacific. This multifaceted approach enhances its relevance and influence in the region.

The formation of the AUKUS Group carries significant implications for India

Positive Implications

Strengthening Strategic Partnership: India's collaboration with Australia within the AUKUS framework can reinforce the existing Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. This could lead to more advanced joint ventures, especially in the defence, trade, and technology sectors.

Enhanced Maritime Security: AUKUS's focus on naval capabilities could align with India's interests in bolstering maritime security in the Indo-Pacific. This collaboration might lead to joint patrols, information sharing, and coordinated efforts against common security threats.

Access to Advanced Technologies: India could benefit from access to cutting-edge military technologies and innovations. Collaboration with the AUKUS nations might enable India to upgrade its defence capabilities, improving its overall defence infrastructure.

Negative Implications

Bifurcation of Alliances: The emergence of distinct blocs led by the US and China might force India into a delicate balancing act. India's historical policy of non-alignment and strategic autonomy could face challenges, leading to diplomatic complexities.

Strategic Autonomy Challenges: India's ability to make independent decisions could be constrained, particularly if pressured to choose sides between the US-led AUKUS group and China. This might limit India's foreign policy flexibility.

Nuclear Proliferation Concerns: The development and deployment of nuclear-powered submarines might raise concerns about nuclear proliferation in the region. This could lead to heightened tensions and potentially trigger an arms race, destabilizing the region.

Environmental and Safety Risks: The use of nuclear-powered submarines carries environmental risks. Accidents or leaks could pose severe consequences for marine life and local populations. India, as a neighbouring country, would have legitimate concerns about the environmental impact.

Economic and Trade Implications: If the AUKUS alliance results in economic sanctions or trade barriers, India's economic interests might be affected. Disruptions in global trade patterns could impact India's economy, which heavily relies on international trade.

While the AUKUS Group presents opportunities for India in terms of strategic partnerships and technological advancements, it also poses significant challenges. India would need to carefully navigate these complexities, ensuring its strategic interests are protected while maintaining regional stability and peace. Balancing its relationships with both AUKUS nations and other regional actors, particularly China, will be crucial for India's foreign policy in the evolving geopolitical landscape.

AUKUS Group faces several challenges in achieving its objectives

  • China's Response: AUKUS was primarily formed as a response to China's increasing influence in the Indo-Pacific region. China has strongly condemned the alliance and considers it provocative. This may lead to increased tensions and could potentially escalate conflicts in the region.
  • Differing Interests: While the AUKUS nations share common interests in countering China's influence, they also have differing priorities and perspectives. Balancing these interests within the alliance could be challenging, especially as the geopolitical landscape evolves.
  • Diplomatic Fallout: AUKUS has strained relationships with France, which had an existing submarine deal with Australia that was abruptly cancelled in favour of the AUKUS partnership. Managing diplomatic fallout and maintaining relationships with other allies and partners will be a challenge.
  • Technology Transfer: Transferring advanced nuclear propulsion technology to Australia for the construction of submarines is a complex and sensitive process. Ensuring the secure transfer of this technology without risking proliferation is a significant challenge.
  • Economic Implications: The AUKUS partnership may have economic implications, including trade disruptions and potential economic sanctions. Managing these economic consequences and their impact on the member countries is a challenge.
  • Regional Balancing Act: AUKUS must navigate a delicate balancing act in the Indo-Pacific, as it seeks to counter China's influence while avoiding provocation or overextension. Maintaining regional stability is crucial.
  • Environmental Concerns: The use of nuclear-powered submarines carries environmental risks, and the alliance must address potential environmental consequences, including accidents or nuclear leaks, which could have long-lasting effects on marine ecosystems.
  • Long-Term Commitment: Ensuring the long-term sustainability and commitment of the member countries to the AUKUS alliance, especially given the shifting political landscapes, will be a constant challenge.
  • Multilateral Cooperation: AUKUS operates outside of existing multilateral frameworks, such as ASEAN or the Quad (comprising the US, Japan, India, and Australia). Coordinating efforts and avoiding duplication with these organizations can be complex.

Way Forward

Transparency and Consultation

  • Maintaining transparency and regular consultation among the AUKUS partners is crucial. Clear communication can help in managing expectations and addressing any concerns that might arise within the alliance.

Engagement with Regional Partners

  • The AUKUS Group should actively engage with other regional partners, including Quad members (such as India and Japan), ASEAN countries, and European nations active in the Indo-Pacific. Cooperation with a wide range of countries can promote a more inclusive and collaborative regional security architecture.

Addressing Non-Traditional Security Challenges

  • Beyond military capabilities, the AUKUS Group could focus on addressing non-traditional security challenges such as climate change, cyber threats, and public health crises. Collaborative efforts in these areas can enhance the group's relevance and positive impact in the region.

Promoting Maritime Security

  • Given the Indo-Pacific's maritime significance, the AUKUS partners can work together to promote maritime security, including joint patrols, information sharing, and capacity-building initiatives among regional navies. This can help in ensuring freedom of navigation and stability in the vital sea routes.

Technology Transfer and Innovation

  • The AUKUS Group can explore avenues for technology transfer and innovation. This could include joint research and development initiatives, sharing best practices, and facilitating the transfer of advanced technologies to regional partners, enhancing their defence capabilities.

Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR)

  • Collaborative efforts in HADR operations can strengthen the AUKUS Group's humanitarian presence in the region. Timely and effective responses during natural disasters can enhance the group's reputation and goodwill among regional nations.

Promoting Rules-Based Order

  • The AUKUS partners can collectively advocate for a rules-based international order, emphasizing respect for international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Upholding these principles can contribute to stability and predictability in the region.

Strategic Communication

  • Developing a clear and consistent narrative about the AUKUS Group's objectives and activities is essential. Strategic communication can help in countering misinformation and build public support both domestically and internationally.

Long-Term Engagement

  • Commitment to long-term engagement is crucial. The AUKUS Group should focus on sustained collaboration, fostering trust and mutual understanding among its members and regional partners. Building enduring relationships can enhance the group's influence in the Indo-Pacific over time.

Flexibility and Adaptability

  • The geopolitical landscape is dynamic. The AUKUS Group should remain flexible and adaptable, ready to adjust its strategies and initiatives in response to evolving regional challenges and opportunities.


  • The AUKUS program signifies a major collaborative effort among the UK, the US, and Australia to bolster their military capabilities in response to regional security challenges, particularly posed by China, and involves the development and deployment of advanced nuclear-powered submarines.

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Q. What are the main challenges that the AUKUS Group is likely to face in achieving its objectives, and what steps can the member countries take to address these challenges and ensure the long-term success of the alliance?