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Barda sanctuary

25th June, 2024

Barda sanctuary

Source: Indian Express

Disclaimer: Copyright infringement not intended.


  • The Gujarat Forest Department is translocating spotted deer and sambar from Gir Forest to Barda Wildlife Sanctuary to enhance the prey base for Asiatic lions and support their long-term conservation.
  • Barda Wildlife Sanctuary is a potential habitat for Asiatic lions due to its ecological conditions and vegetation, making it a suitable site for lion relocation and natural dispersal.


Key Points

  • The translocation of prey species like spotted deer and sambar is crucial for maintaining the ecological balance and supporting large carnivores like Asiatic lions in newly designated habitats.
  • The presence of a low prey base in Barda Wildlife Sanctuary necessitates the augmentation of herbivore populations to ensure the successful settlement and sustainability of relocated Asiatic lions.

Translocation to Barda Sanctuary:

  • Barda Wildlife Sanctuary offers a habitat with ecoclimatic conditions and vegetation similar to Gir Forest, making it conducive for the natural dispersal and settlement of Asiatic lions.
  • The translocation initiative aims to create a second home for Asiatic lions, facilitating their conservation and reducing the risk of overpopulation and resource depletion in Gir Forest.

What Makes Barda Sanctuary Unique for Translocation:

  • Barda Sanctuary has a habitat resembling many parts of Gir Forest, providing a familiar environment for Asiatic lions.
  • Its historical significance as a former habitat for Asiatic lions until 1879 supports the natural recolonization and conservation efforts.

Barda Wildlife Sanctuary:

  • Location and Area: Barda Wildlife Sanctuary spans 192.31 sq. km and is located about 100 km from Gir Forest in Gujarat's Saurashtra region.

Barda sanctuary

  • Ecological Significance: The sanctuary's ecoclimatic conditions and vegetation composition are similar to Gir Forest, making it a suitable habitat for Asiatic lions.
  • Biodiversity: Barda hosts species like blue bulls, wild boars, peafowls, and now translocated spotted deer and sambar to support the lion population.
  • Historical Context: Barda was known for its Asiatic lion population until 1879, highlighting its potential for successful lion recolonization and long-term conservation.
  • Conservation Efforts: The Gujarat Forest Department's initiatives, including the establishment of an Asiatic lion gene pool centre, aim to enhance wildlife conservation and biodiversity in Barda.
  • Challenges and Solutions: Addressing the low prey base and ensuring sustainable prey populations are crucial for the sanctuary's success in supporting relocated lions.


Indian Express


Q. Consider the following statements about Barda Wildlife Sanctuary and Asiatic Lion conservation:

1.The Gujarat Forest Department is translocating spotted deer and sambar to Barda Wildlife Sanctuary to improve the prey base for Asiatic lions.

2.Barda Sanctuary offers a similar habitat unsuitable for the natural dispersal of Asiatic lions.

3.The presence of a historical Asiatic lion population in Barda until 1879 indicates its potential for successful recolonization efforts.

Which of the statements given above are correct?

(a) 1 and 2 only

(b) 2 and 3 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Answer: (c)