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Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme

26th January, 2021

Context: Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme Increases Awareness and Sensitize the Masses on Gender Equality.

  • Out of 640 Districts Covered Under BBBP 422 Districts Show Improvement in SRB
  • Gross Enrolment Ratio of Girls at Secondary Level Improves from 77.45 to 81.32

The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme,

  • It was launched in 2015 with the objective of bringing behavioural change in the society towards birth and rights of a girl child.
  • During the last 6 years the Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) has improved by 16 points from 918 in 2014-15 to 934 in 2019-20.
  • Gross Enrolment Ratio of girls in the schools at secondary level has improved from 77.45 to 81.32.

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao : Achievements so far

  • During the last 6 years since its inception, the BBBP scheme has been aiming at changing the mindset of the public to acknowledge the rights of the girl child.
  • The scheme has resulted in increased awareness and sensitization of the masses regarding prevalence of gender bias and role of community in eradicating it.
  • It has raised concerns around the issue of declining CSR in India.
  • As a result of collective consciousness of the people supporting the campaign, BBBP has found its place in public discourse.

Progress in terms of monitorable targets:

  1. Sex Ratio at Birth:
  • Promising trends of improvement in Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) have been observed at National level.
  • SRB has improved by 16 points from 918 (2014-15) to 934 (2019-20), as per the HMIS data of MoH&FW.
  • Out of 640 districts covered under BBBP 422 districts have shown improvement in SRB from 2014-15 to 2018-2019.

Health :

  • Percentage of 1st Trimester ANC Registration has shown an improving trend from 61% in 2014-15 to 71% in 2019-20 ( As per HMIS, MoH&FW).
  • Percentage of Institutional Deliveries has shown an improving trend from 87% in 2014-15 to 94% in 2019-20 ( As per HMIS, MoH&FW).

Education :

  • Gross Enrolment Ratio of girls in the schools at secondary level has improved from 77.45 (2014-15) to 81.32 (2018-19-provisional figures) as per UDISE-data.
  • Percentage of schools with functional separate toilets for girls has shown improvement from 92.1% in 2014-15 to 95.1% in 2018-19 (2018-19 provisional figure, as per UDISE-data )

Attitudinal change:

  • The BBBP scheme has been able to bring the focus on important issue of female infanticide, lack of education amongst girls and deprivation of their rights on a life cycle continuum.
  • The scheme has successfully engaged with Community to defy the age old biases against the girl child and introduce innovative practices to celebrate the girl child.
  • The frontline government employees have been successfully collaborating at the level of community for observing the son centric rituals while celebrating the birth of girl child i.e. Kuwapoojan, Thalibajana etc.
  • Now mothers and girl child are being felicitated at community level and in hospitals by Administration to establish the relevance of the girl child.
  • BetiJanmotsav is one of the key programme celebrated in each district.