Commonly known as 'Borthekera' in Assamese, Garcinia pedunculata, a medicinal plant has been found to protect from heart diseases.
Scientists of Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST), an autonomous institute of the department of science and technology (DST), reported the findings.
The sun-dried slices of the ripe fruit are used for culinary and medicinal purposes and are known to have therapeutic properties like anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antidiabetic, hypolipidemic, nephroprotective, and even neuroprotective activity.
Traditionally forbidden for raw consumption, in Assam, dried slices are used for preparing delicacies like "Tenga Diya Masor Jol" (sour fish curry).
It can also be prepared with other vegetables, especially fritters made with lentils.
A traditional Assamese home also used to soak it in water and the liquid as home-remedy for stomach problems.