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China joins COVAX coronavirus vaccine alliance

10th October, 2020

Context: China, which has four coronavirus vaccine candidates in stage 3 clinical trials, is joining the coronavirus vaccine alliance known as COVAX.

  • The country signed an agreement with GAVI, the co-leader of the alliance.
  • It is not yet clear the exact terms of the agreement and how China will contribute.

COVAX vaccine alliance

  • The alliance is designed so that richer countries agree to buy into potential vaccines and help finance access for poorer ones.
  • US had declined to join the alliance.
  • It is an alliance of governments, global health organisations, manufacturers, scientists, private sector, civil society and philanthropy, with the aim of providing innovative and equitable access to COVID-19 diagnostics, treatments and vaccines.
  • It is the only effort to ensure that people in all corners of the world will get access to COVID-19 vaccines once they are available, regardless of their wealth.
  • It is coordinated by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the WHO
  • COVAX will act as a platform that will support the research, development and manufacturing of a wide range of COVID-19 vaccine candidates, and negotiate their pricing.
  • All participating countries, regardless of income levels, will have equal access to these vaccines once they are developed.