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India assumes chair of Colombo Process for 2024-26


Established: 2003


The Regional Consultative Process on Overseas Employment and Contractual Labor for Countries of Origin in Asia (formerly called the Ministerial Consultation on Overseas Employment and Contractual Labor for Countries of Origin in Asia) or the Colombo Process aims to provide a forum for Asian labor-sending countries to:

  • Share experiences, lessons learned and best practices on overseas employment and contractual labor; 
  • Consult on issues faced by overseas workers, and labor sending and receiving states, and offers practical solutions for the well-being of overseas workers, particularly the vulnerable overseas workers;
  • Optimize development benefits from organized overseas employment, and enhance dialogue with countries of destination; and
  • Review and monitor the implementation of the ministerial recommendations and identify further steps for action.

Current Thematic Focus

The Colombo Process addresses five thematic priority areas and while also incorporating four crosscutting themes into these priority areas:

Thematic Priority Areas:

  • Skills and Qualification Recognition Processes
  • Fostering Ethical Recruitment Practices
  • Pre-departure Orientation and Empowerment
  • Promote Cheaper, Faster and Safer Transfer of Remittances
  • Labor Market Analysis

Crosscutting Themes:

  • Migrant Health
  • Operationalization of the Migration-related Elements of the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Promotion of equality for women migrant workers
  • Consular Support for Migrant Workers

Chairing Country

  • Past Chairs: Afghanistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Indonesia, Bangladesh
  • India has become chair of regional grouping Colombo Process for 2024-26, first time since its inception in 2003.


IOM provides technical and administrative support to the Colombo Process. The Colombo Process Technical Support Unit (CPTSU), based in IOM Sri Lanka, provides technical support to the Colombo Process in its thematic areas of focus.


Member States (12 States)

  • Afghanistan
  • Bangladesh
  • Cambodia
  • China
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan
  • Philippines
  • Sri Lanka
  • Thailand
  • Viet Nam


  • Several States (Australia, Bahrain, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, Qatar, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America) have been invited on an ad hoc basis to observe Colombo Process events depending on the theme. 

Observer Organizations

  • Several Intergovernmental, regional, civil society and private sector organizations including:
  • Asian Development Bank (ADB)
  • Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
  • Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC)
  • The European Commission (EC)
  • International Labor Organization (ILO)
  • International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • International Organization for Migration, South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
  • Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS ( UNAIDS )
  • United Nations Development Program (UNDP)
  • United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women ( UN Women )
  • World Bank (WB)
  • Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)
  • Invited on an ad hoc basis to observe Colombo Process events depending on the theme.

Recent meetings

  • August 17, 2023 Bangkok, Thailand and online, 6th Thematic Area Working Group (TAWG) on Pre-departure orientation and empowerment meeting
  • March 15-16, 2023 Manila, Philippines, 5th Meeting of the Thematic Area Working Group on Pre-departure orientation and empowerment
  • May 22–23, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand,  Consultation on the Colombo Process Engagement in the Global Framework related to Migration: Towards the Effective Implementation, Follow-Up and Review 


Indian Express


Q.  Which country has assumed the chair of the Colombo Process for the term 2024-2026?

A. Sri Lanka

B. Bangladesh

C. India

D. Nepal

Answer C