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1st June, 2020


It’s time for a universal basic income programme in India

On-Going Trends:

- Technology and data analytics are bringing never seen before changes in the human life.

- These companies are reducing human requirements and putting premium on the job.

- Silicon valley houses five out of the top 8 companies of the world, has the market capitalisation more than 4 trillion, but only has 1.2 million employees.

- Fortunately, in India, infrastructure requirement will ensure that we have jobs to cater to the need of people.

Importance of UBI:

- Many big scholars including noble prizewinner economist Abhijit Banerjee thinks that UBI can effectively deal with poverty.

- Many countries Kenya, Switzerland are effectively experimenting with some form of UBI.

- Economic survey in 2015-16 had estimated that to provide Rs. 7620, for 75% of people would require 4.9% of GDP. It will leave aside the top quartile of population.

- Such UBI can lead to augmentation of family income by Rs 40000 per annum considering a family of five in India.

- This, time Economy is mostly going to contract.

-USA economy is supposed to be contract by 5.9%.

- The unemployment rate and unemployment claims in USA are at unprecedented levels.

- Providing UBI can deal with such unemployment and micro level poor picture.




Locust control: ‘govt. ignoring non-chemical measures’

Activist response:

- Government has completely abandoned the non-chemical measures to fight the locust.

- Government should have used non-chemical measures in high population areas and near water bodies.

- It must also be ensured that locust control measures do not pollute air, water, environment and food chain.

Non-Chemical methods:

 - Locusts, which do not travel or eat during night, can be collected and used as poultry feed.

- Another way to control locusts within 24 hours is by spraying a concoction of linseed oil, edible soda/sodium bicarbonate and extracts of garlic, cumin and orange.

- One can use available parasitic fungi that can kill locusts.

- Making noise, placing 50-foot high traps on the way of swarm of locusts or flying airplanes through the swarm or scattering them by any other way can avert major damage.



Union Home Ministry gave 94 orders in 68 days

- The orders were issued under the Disaster Management Act, 2005.

- It was invoked for the first time in the country since the legislation was drafted after the tsunami in 2004.

- The Act also for the first time introduced a legal framework for disaster management in the country, with the MHA being the nodal ministry.

About the Disaster Management act

- Under the DM Act, the States and district authorities can frame their own rules on the basis of broad guidelines issued by the MHA.

- The home secretary as chairperson of the National Executive Committee of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) issues guidelines

- It gives the NDMA powers to prepare national plans for disaster management and ensure its implementation through the state disaster management authorities in a uniform manner.

- The law provides a wide range of powers to the NDMA chairperson, the PM, to seek any “men or material resources” for the purposes of emergency response across the entire country or any specific part of the country.

- It gives emergency powers to the chairperson to deal with the disaster doing away with bureaucratic processes.

- The law also allows state disaster management authority chairpersons to exercise similar powers within the state jurisdictions.

- The powers under the disaster law could create a parallel system of disaster management to help doctors and paramedics and can augment government services.

- The Constitution does not provide the Centre direct powers to declare a national emergency for medical and pandemic reasons.


- The authority has become the nodal central agency for coordinating with all state governments to contain the pandemic, ensure uniform disaster management plans, and provide relief funds to the states for disaster management.

- The invocation of the act will ensure better coordination between the Centre and the states and create health infrastructure to cope with community spread, if it happens very fast.

- invoking the law gives the government much more power than the Epidemic Act does.

- Disaster law empowers the Centre to take action against anyone obstructing implementing of national plans, including government officials.




Will invite India and Russia, says Donald Trump as he postpones G7 summit

Trump Comment:

- He wants to expand the list of countries invited to include Australia, Russia, South Korea and India.

- The G7 in its current format is a “very outdated group of countries.”

- The G7 is made up of the United States, Italy, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Britain as well as the European Union.


Nepal tables amendment for new map as rift with Madhesis re-appear

Nepal Constitutional amendment bill:

- It seeks to formalise the country’s new map, which claims parts of India as its territory.

- It will change the Schedule 3 of the Nepalese Constitution and replace the existing map with the map that was unveiled on May 20.

- The new map depicts the sliver of strategically important land covering Limpiyadhura, Lipulekh and Kalapani as part of Nepal.

- The area is currently part of Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand but Nepal has disputed the Indian position based on historical documents and bilateral understanding.

- Nepali congress has supported to the bill letting it pass without much difficulty.

Not Support from The Madhesis:

- Madhesis parties argue that they were not taken completely in discussion.

- It indicates at the lingering internal differences in Nepal.

Indian Comment:

- The Constitution Second Amendment is a setback to bilateral ties, as it will formalise a new territorial dispute with India.

- Nepal has urged India to withdraw troops from Kalapani and Lipulekh and restore status quo in the region.

- India has maintained that it remains open to dialogue though a recent attempt to connect the two prime ministers of India and Nepal failed last week.


Prelims facts:

Rare Scorpion fish:

- Found in gulf of munnar.

- The band-tail scorpion fish (Scorpaenospsis neglecta) is well known for its stinging venomous spines.

- The fish is called ‘scorpion fish’ because its spines contain neurotoxin venom.

SpaceX Spacecraft:

- SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft with two NASA astronauts has successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS).

- SpaceX is a private company founded by Elon Musk.

- SpaceX became the first private company to launch the people into the Space.

- It used its Falcon 9 rocket to send dragon crew in the international space station.

RT-LAMP (Reverse Transcriptase Loop-Mediated Amplification) technology

- It is a technology to detect the presence of corona virus.

- It has been indigenously developed and takes less time to detect.

- The RT-LAMP test uses an isothermal set-up to create copies of viral DNA for detection, which significantly reduces the complexity of the overall process compared to the prevalent Real Time PCR technology.

- The test also uses proprietary magnetic nanoparticle-based RNA extraction, which gives a highly purified and concentrated level of RNA from the swab sample.