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29th June, 2019

Policy on the electric vehicle well thought out

News Important for – General Studies – 3 I Environment I Energy


NITI Aayog claimed that the electric vehicle policy well framed with a perspective policy to capitalise the “sunrise industry”.




  • The aim of the policy initiated in the mobility summit of NITI Aayog was to attract resources and investment.
  • The NITI Aayog proposed that only electric three-wheelers be sold in the country post March, 2023.
  • It also declared that all the new two-wheelers below 150cc sold after March 31, 2025, should be electric.
  • The recommendation of NITI Aayog has been strongly opposed by industry claiming such step will disrupt the already stressed automotive sector.
  • NITI Aayog has also pointed out the industry as investment to shift to BS-VI was primarily by the four-wheeler industry which could be easily shifted to electric vehicles.
  • A policy for electric vehicles is in the national interest to enhance domestic capacity and to lessen imports.
  • The think tank has suggested a time bound policy and insisted industry to cooperate with it.

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President’s rule for 6 months in J&K 

News Important for – General Studies – 2 I Governance I Polity


The Lok Sabha has approved the President’s rule in Jammu and Kashmir for another six months.



  • Elections are supposed to be conducted in the state by the year end.
  • The president’s rule has been extended for 6 months in the state by a bill since the assembly in Jammu and Kashmir is not in existence.
  • The Jammu and Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2019 has also been passed by Lok Sabha to replace an ordinance issued by the previous government.
  • With the passage of Jammu& Kashmir Reservation (Amendment) Bill, 2019, people living along the International Border (IB) in Jammu and Kashmir will:
    •  get the benefit of reservation in direct recruitment
    • promotion and admission to professional courses 
    • On a par with those living along the Actual Line of Control (LoC).

President rule

  • Every time a state loses its ability to function as per the Constitution, it comes under the direct control of the central government, which is referred as the President’s rule.
  • On the ground level, the responsibility of the state administration is shifted to the Governor.
  • One of the most common reasons for the imposition of such a rule is the breakdown of a coalition.

Article 356

Provisions in the case of failure of constitutional machinery in State

(1) If the President, on receipt of report from the Governor of the State or otherwise, is satisfied that a situation has arisen in which the government of the State cannot be carried on in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, the President may be Proclamation

(a) assume to himself all or any of the functions of the Government of the State and all or any of the powers vested in or exercisable by the Governor or anybody or authority in the State other than the Legislature of the State;

(b) declare that the powers of the Legislature of the State shall be exercisable by or under the authority of Parliament;

(c) make such incidental and consequential provisions as appear to the president to be necessary or desirable for giving effect to the objects of the Proclamation, including provisions for suspending in whole or in part the operation of any provisions of this constitution relating to anybody or authority in the State Provided that nothing in this clause shall authorise the President to assume to himself any of the powers vested in or exercisable by a High Court, or to suspend in whole or in part the operation of any provision of this Constitution relating to High Courts

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Trump promises a very big deal with India

News Important for – General Studies – 2 I International Relation.



 Indian Prime Minister and U.S. president held talks on the side lines of G-20 summit.


  • The talks were held to improve the trade relations between both the countries.
  • The issues included were from the gulf crisis to challenges faced due to terrorism.
  • Discussions on ways to leverage the power of technology, improving defence and security ties as well as issues on trade took the centre stage.
  • Terrorism and its implications on the world, how to stop terror funding were also the issues to be taken up.
  • Matters related about strengthening the World Trade Organization and fighting protectionism, ensuring energy security were India’s major concerns.


The Three important challenges include

  • The instability and downfall in the global economy as the Unilateralism and competitiveness are overshadowing the rule ­based multilateral global trade systems 
  •  The second challenge he raised was to make development sustainable and all­ inclusive. 
  • Terrorism is the major challenge to tackle. 

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On 5G and data storage, India aligns with developing nations

News Important for – General Studies – 2 I International Relation.



India placed itself with developing nations as BRICS countries and not with USA and Japan on the technological issues alongside the G-20 Osaka summit.





  • The issues as need for interface between trade and digital economy, role of data for development, transparent, non-discriminatory, open, free and inclusive international trade, protectionism and unilateralism hampering the spirit of WTO were highlighted.
  • The U.S. pressure to include Chinese company Huawei in the trail has not yet been decided by India.
  • India countered Japan’s initiative of “Data free flow with trust, (DFFT)” highlighting the need for framing rules on data on par with WTO and not at the G20.
  • India highlighted the fact that “data will be the new form of wealth” and stood firm on its data localisation policies.

Data Free Flow with trust

  • It is a Japanese initiative against data localisation policies of developing countries.
  • The Reserve Bank of India in January released the guidelines mandating that the storage of all financial data of multinational companies must be kept on servers in India.
  •  The move was followed by protests from major companies such as Google, MasterCard, Visa and Amazon.

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Centre releases an action plan on higher education

News Important for – General Studies – 3 I Education system



The central government has released a 5-year action plan to revamp higher education focusing on employability, inequalities of access and investments.



  • It was drafted by 80 experts in 10 teams headed by eminent academicians, scientists and industrialists.
  • The Education Quality Upgradation and Inclusion Programme (EQUIP) is likely to involve investment of ₹1.5 lakh crore over the next five years
  • The plan includes more than 50 initiatives, implementation methods and funding requirements, with quality and access as its major goals.

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Small savings schemes’ interest rates lowered

News Important for – General Studies – 3 I Indian economy,Scheme


The central government has reduced interest rates on Small Saving schemes.




The scheme such as the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme, Public Provident Fund, Kisan Vikas Patra and the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana.

Small Saving Schemes

  • They offer higher interest rates compared to bank deposits.
  • Some schemes offer income tax benefits.
  • Money pooled goes to National Small Savings Fund (NSSF) within the Public Accounts of India. 


This decrease will result in the reduction of savings of corers of common people.

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‘Wonder of nature’: Serbia’s donkey cheese

News Important for – General Studies – 3 I Biodiversity


These donkeys are called Zasavica donkeys of Northern Siberia.




  • One of a kind donkey cheese that is not only tasty but also good for health.
  • Can cure for a range of ailments, including asthma and bronchitis.
  • High in protein and is recognised by UN as an alternative to those having allergies to cow milk.

 Source link:


NASA to send a drone to Saturn’s largest moon

News Important for – General Studies – 3 I Science and technology, space


NASA is sending a nuclear-powered drone ‘Dragonfly’ to Saturn’s largest moon ‘Titan’. The Dragonfly mission is part of Nasa’s competitive New Frontiers Program.



About Titan

  • Titan has conditions similar to what the earth had 4 billion years ago.
  • Titan’s landscape is dominated by “sand dunes” and “waterways” composed of hydrocarbons – liquid methane and ethane.
  •  Its surface is composed of water ice, frozen as hard as rock.
  • Beneath the crust hides a liquid-water reservoir that astrophysicists believe to be the same temperature as the shallows of the Pacific Ocean.

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Crocodiles were once vegetarians



  • According to a new study published in Cell Press, unlike their modern progeny who are known for their ferocity,
  • Some early crocodyliforms were an altogether more peaceful.
  •  It suggests that some of the reptiles of Mesozoic era relied mainly on plant-dominated diets.


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