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DB Shekatkar Committee

20th July, 2021


  • Implementation of Committee of Experts (CoE) recommendations related to Defence Reforms



  • The Committee of Experts (CoE) was constituted by the Ministry of Defence under the chairmanship of Lt Gen (Retd) DB Shekatkar.
  • It recommended measures to enhance combat compatibility and rebalance defence expenditure of the armed forces.


Measures recommended by the Committee and taken up for the implementation include:

  • Optimisation of Signals Establishments to include Radio Monitoring Companies, Corps Air Support Signal Regiments, Air Formation Signal Regiments, Composite Signal Regiments and merger for Corps Operating and Engineering Signal Regiments.
  • Restructuring of repair echelons in the Army to include Base Workshops, Advance Base Workshops and Static/Station Workshops in the field Army.
  • Redeployment of Ordnance echelons to include Vehicle Depots, Ordnance Depots and Central Ordnance Depots apart from streamlining inventory control mechanisms.
  • Better utilisation of Supply and Transportation echelons and Animal Transport Units.
  • Closure of Military Farms and Army Postal Establishments in peace locations.
  • Enhancement in standards for recruitment of clerical staff and drivers in the Army.
  • Improving the efficiency of the National Cadet Corps.