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Editorial Analysis 10 May

11th May, 2024

Daily Editorial Analysis

Editorial Analysis based on India can unlock growth by boosting nari shakti” which was published in The Indian Express.


  • A new government will soon be taking up the challenge of making India viksit by 2047.
  • With women lagging behind on several socio-economic parameters , empowering them economically is the main challenge we face in transforming India into a developed country.

Factors which hinder socio economic progress of women:

  • Low Labor Force Participation (LFP) Rate: India's overall LFP rate for women is around 25%, significantly lower than men.
    • According to ILO and World Bank estimates, India's LFP rate for women is much lower than countries like China (almost 70%) and Bangladesh (about 55%).
  • Education Disparities: Disparities in access to education limit women's opportunities for skilled employment.
    • UNESCO data shows that around 37% of women in India are illiterate compared to 17% of men.
  • Gender Wage Gap: Women in India often receive lower wages for the same work compared to men.
    • The World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap Report 2021 ranks India 140th out of 156 countries in terms of gender wage equality.
  • Lack of Representation in Leadership Roles: Women are underrepresented in leadership roles in politics, business, and academia.
    • As of 2021, only about 14% of board seats in Indian companies were held by women, according to a report by Prime Database.
  • Limited Access to Financial Resources: Limited access to credit and financial resources hinders women's entrepreneurship and economic independence.
    • A study by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) found that only about 7% of Indian women have access to formal credit.
  • Social Norms and Cultural Barriers: Societal expectations and cultural norms often restrict women's mobility and decision-making autonomy.
    • The National Family Health Survey (NFHS-5) found that around 52% of women in India participate in household decisions, indicating limited decision-making power.
  • Unpaid Care Work Burden: Women bear a disproportionate burden of unpaid care work, limiting their time for paid employment and skill development.
    • A report by Oxfam India estimates that women in rural areas spend around 4 hours per day on unpaid care work, compared to about 1 hour for men.
  • Lack of Access to Healthcare and Sanitation: Limited access to healthcare and sanitation facilities affects women's health and well-being, impacting their ability to participate in economic activities.
    • According to the NFHS-5, around 49% of women in rural areas and 26% in urban areas have limited access to basic sanitation facilities.

India has implemented various government initiatives aimed at the socio-economic empowerment of women. Here are some prominent ones:

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) Scheme: Launched in 2015, this scheme aims to address gender imbalance and promote the education and welfare of girls. It focuses on improving the status of girls through initiatives such as cash incentives for the education of girl children, awareness campaigns, and interventions to prevent gender-based discrimination.

Pradhan Mantri Matru Vandana Yojana (PMMVY): This maternity benefit program provides financial assistance to pregnant and lactating mothers for their first live birth. It aims to ensure proper nutrition and health services for pregnant women and lactating mothers, thereby reducing maternal and infant mortality rates.

Mahila e-Haat: Launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Mahila e-Haat is an online platform that enables women entrepreneurs to showcase and sell their products and services. It provides women with access to markets and opportunities for economic empowerment through e-commerce.

National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM): NRLM, also known as Aajeevika, aims to alleviate poverty among rural women by promoting self-help groups (SHGs) and providing them with access to credit, livelihood opportunities, skill development, and social empowerment initiatives.

Swadhar Greh Scheme: This scheme provides temporary shelter, food, and rehabilitation services to women in difficult circumstances, such as survivors of domestic violence, trafficking, and homelessness. It aims to empower women by offering them a safe and supportive environment to rebuild their lives.

Stand-Up India Scheme: This initiative promotes entrepreneurship among women, Scheduled Castes (SCs), and Scheduled Tribes (STs) by facilitating bank loans of between ₹10 lakh and ₹1 crore to set up greenfield enterprises. At least one-third of the loans under this scheme are reserved for women entrepreneurs.

National Scheme for Adolescent Girls (NSAG): NSAG, also known as Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG), aims to empower adolescent girls (aged 11-14 years) by providing them with nutritional support, health check-ups, life skills education, and vocational training.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana: This savings scheme, launched under the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao campaign, encourages parents to save for the future education and marriage expenses of their girl child. It offers attractive interest rates and tax benefits to promote long-term financial planning for girls.

One-Stop Centres (OSCs): OSCs, also known as Sakhi Centres, provide integrated support and assistance to women affected by violence, including medical aid, legal aid, counseling, and rehabilitation services. These centers aim to facilitate access to justice and support for women in distress.

Women Helpline (181): The Women Helpline is a toll-free emergency helpline number that provides assistance and support to women facing various forms of violence, harassment, or discrimination. It offers counseling, referral services, and immediate intervention to ensure the safety and well-being of women in distress.


What key policies can the new government adopt to take us towards gender parity in socio-economic outcomes?

Employment Rate and GDP Growth:

  • India's historical employment rate is around 50%, lower than China (almost 70%) and Bangladesh (about 55%).
  • Increasing women's labor force participation (LFP) to 50% can boost GDP growth to 8% and move towards a $5 trillion economy by 2030.

Manufacturing Capacity and PLI Scheme:

  • Expanding manufacturing capacity, especially in labor-intensive sectors like garments and footwear, can create more jobs, including for women.
  • The Production Linked Investment (PLI) scheme aims to boost manufacturing but needs more focus on labor-intensive sectors.
  • Bringing these sectors under the PLI scheme can address cost disadvantages in job creation due to labor regulations.

Transition to Formal Sector and Skilling:

  • A developed country has a dominant formal sector, but India's transition is slow.
  • Improving skilling programs, especially for women, is crucial for quality jobs. Currently, only 7% of ITI enrollees are women.
  • Policy initiatives should focus on redressing gender imbalances in skilling programs, improving physical access, financial support, and employer matches post-training.

Urbanization and Women's Mobility:

  • Urban infrastructure needs to support women's mobility for education and work opportunities.
  • Quality urban care infrastructure can release women from care work and create new jobs.
  • Policy focus is required on planning urban infrastructure, transportation, and public safety with a gender lens.

Energy Transition and Clean Technology Adoption:

  • Clean technology adoption can reduce women's time spent on domestic work, improving productivity.
  • Programs like PMUY promote LPG adoption, but usage needs to increase for maximum impact.
  • India can adopt measures from the Biden administration's Inflation Reduction Act to incentivize clean technology adoption and create new jobs in the clean energy sector.

Education and Good Jobs for Women:

  • Empowering women requires education and access to "good" jobs.
  • Investing in women's human capital at a low cost is essential for gender parity and societal development.
  • Career counseling, job placement cells, and mentorship programs can improve employment outcomes for women post-skilling.


Addressing women’s socioeconomic challenges requires comprehensive policies and interventions focusing on education, financial inclusion, gender equality in leadership, cultural change, redistribution of unpaid care work, and improved access to healthcare and sanitation for women.

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