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EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy

20th April, 2021

Context: European Council approves conclusions on EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy

  • The Council of the European Union approved conclusions on a European Union strategy for cooperation in the Indo-Pacific to “reinforce its strategic focus, presence and actions” in this region.
  • The aim is to contribute to regional stability, security, prosperity and sustainable development.
  • The renewed EU commitment to the Indo-Pacific will have a long-term focus and will be based on “upholding democracy, human rights, the rule of law and respect for international law”.
  • The EU will aim to promote effective rules-based multilateralism, reiterating its support for ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) centrality, a point also stressed by India.


  • Current dynamics in the Indo-Pacific have given rise to intense geopolitical competition adding to increasing tensions on trade and supply chains as well as in technological, political and security areas.
  • Human rights are also being challenged.
  • These developments increasingly threaten the stability and security of the region and beyond, directly impacting on the EU’s interests.

COVID-19 effects

  • The EU will work together in order to mitigate the economic and human effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and work towards ensuring an inclusive and sustainable socio-economic recovery.
  • The EU’s approach and engagement will look to foster a “rules-based international order, a level playing field, as well as an open and fair environment for trade and investment, reciprocity, the strengthening of resilience, tackling climate change and supporting connectivity with the EU.
  • Free and open maritime supply routes in full compliance with international law remain crucial.
  • On trade partnerships, the EU will aim to conclude free trade agreements with Australia, Indonesia and New Zealand and take further steps towards the Comprehensive Agreement on Investment with China.
  • The EU will continue to explore deepening economic relations with India.

Security cooperation

  • The EU will continue to develop partnerships in the areas of security and defence, including to address maritime security, malicious cyber activities, disinformation, emerging technologies, terrorism, and organised crime.
  • On security cooperation, the Council will build on its experience of protecting critical maritime routes in the Indian Ocean through maritime domain awareness.
  • EU has taken the decision to extend the geographic scope of its CRIMARIO (Critical Maritime Routes) II activities from the Indian Ocean into South and Southeast Asia with a view to contribute to safer sea lanes of communication with the EU.