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Ex Khaan Quest?

21st June, 2022

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Context: The Multinational Peacekeeping Exercise Ex Khaan Quest 2022 culminated at the Peace Support Operations Training Centre at Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia.


More on the news:

  • The Defence Ministry said, this exercise provided a platform for mutual learning and sharing best practices amongst the armies from 16 nations.
  • The Indian contingent consisting of personnel from the LADAKH SCOUTS participated in the field training as well as the Command Post exercise.
  • A number of training activities were organised during the course of the exercise.

Ex Khaan Quest?

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  • Khaan Quest 2022 is a multinational peacekeeping operations exercise conducted in Mongolia.
  • It consists of a United Nations Peacekeeping Mission command post exercise, a UN PKO (PeaceKeeping Operation) Mission field training exercise, at the Mongolian Armed Forces' Five Hills Training Area.
  • The exercise is designed to improve peacekeeping capabilities, strengthen military-to-military relationships and enhance the core UN doctrine PKO competencies of all participants.
  • The 2008 doctrine re-confirms and provides a contemporary understanding of how practitioners might apply the UN's three basic peacekeeping principles, namely: consent, impartiality and non-use of force, except in self-defence and defence of the mandate.

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