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Explained: What is eVIN and how will it be used for distributing Covid-19 vaccines?

25th November, 2020

Context: Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network is an indigenously developed technology that digitises vaccine stocks and monitors the temperature of the cold chain through a smartphone application.

  • Government is using eVIN – Electronic Vaccine Intelligence Network in association with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to identify primary beneficiaries and vaccine distribution networks.

What is eVIN?

  • The innovative eVIN was first launched across 12 states in 2015 to support better vaccine logistics management at cold chain points.
  • eVIN supports the central government’s Universal Immunization Programme by providing real-time information on vaccine stocks and flows, and storage temperatures across all cold chain points across states and UTs.

Who will guide the vaccine introduction to all states/ UTs?

  • The Centre has begun its preparations for introduction of Covid-19 vaccine and a National Expert Group on Vaccine Administration for Covid-19 (NEGVAC) has been formed as the highest group that will guide the strategies for vaccine introduction.
  • “It is anticipated that initially the supply of the vaccine will be limited in view of huge demand. Hence, prioritization of population will be done based on risk assessment for vaccination and subsequently other groups will be included for vaccination”.