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Farm income mission off target

15th February, 2021


  • In the last year of its mission to double farmers income, the Centre admits that no actual assessment of farm income has been carried out since 2013. Only the implementation of strategies was being monitored, rather than actual outcomes.



  • In response to multiple pointed queries on the topic in Parliament this week, the government did not provide any details on what the base year for this goal is or what the targeted income to be achieved by the 2022 deadline was.
  • The Agriculture Ministry did not answer either question, instead responding with a brief on the Committee for Doubling Farmers Income, constituted in April 2016, and the strategies it recommended.


Ashok Dalwai committee:

  • Seven strategies had been identified: improvement in crop and livestock productivity, savings in production cost through efficient use of resources, higher cropping intensity and diversification towards high-value crops, better price realisation and a shift to non-farm jobs.