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22nd July, 2024


Source: HINDU

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  • According to the WEF’s June report, updated figures in educational attainment indicators have caused India’s gender parity levels to dip from the previous year.


Current State of Gender Parity in Education

World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Gender Gap Report 2024

  • Ranking: India is ranked 129th out of 146 economies in the 2024 Global Gender Gap Report.
  • Educational Attainment: India's gender parity score in education has declined from a perfect 1.000 in 2023 to 0.964 in 2024. This drop is attributed to updated figures showing a persistent gap in literacy rates between men and women.
  • Literacy Rates: The literacy rate for women stands at 64.63%, compared to 80.88% for men, a gap of 17.2 percentage points.

Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE+) and All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) Data

  • School Enrolment (2021-22):
    • Total students: 13.79 crore boys and 12.73 crore girls (48% of school population).
    • Preschool: Girls make up 46.8% of enrolled children.
    • Primary School (Classes 1-5): 47.8% girls.
    • Upper Primary (Classes 6-8): 48.3% girls.
    • Secondary School (Classes 9-10): 47.9% girls.
    • Higher Secondary (Classes 11-12): 48.3% girls.
  • Higher Education Enrolment:
    • Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) for women: 28.5% (slightly higher than 28.3% for men).
    • Increase in female enrolment in higher education by 32% since 2014-15.

Factors Contributing to Gender Gap in Education

Positive Influences

  • School Infrastructure: Increased number of schools, particularly since the mid-90s, has boosted enrolment of girls.
  • Female Teachers: Presence of female teachers encourages parents to enrol their daughters.
  • Transport Facilities: Free bus passes and cycles for schoolgirls in several states improve access.
  • Sanitation: Improved, but maintenance issues remain a barrier.


  • Secondary School Dropouts: Right to free education ends after Class 8, leading to higher dropout rates.
  • Higher Education: Gender disparity in specific fields such as STEM (women make up only 42.5% of STEM students).
  • Adult Literacy: Still low for women compared to men, highlighting the need for enhanced foundational literacy efforts.

Strategies to Improve Gender Parity in Education

Government Initiatives

  • Building More Schools: Ensuring schools are within accessible distance from homes.
  • Incentive Programs: Providing scholarships, free transport, and sanitary facilities.
  • Focus on Quality: Enhancing the quality of education and infrastructure, particularly in rural and underdeveloped areas.

Addressing Dropouts

  • Targeted Interventions: Programs to keep boys and girls engaged in education through secondary and higher education.
  • Vocational Training: Integrating vocational training to make education more relevant and appealing, especially for boys who may be pressured to start working early.

Encouraging STEM Education

  • Scholarships and Mentorship: Specific programs to encourage girls to pursue STEM subjects.
  • Awareness Campaigns: Highlighting successful women in STEM to inspire more girls to enter these fields.

List Of Initiatives, Acts, And Policies Undertaken In India To Address The Gender Gap In Education



Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

A national campaign aimed at addressing the declining child sex ratio and promoting the education and empowerment of the girl child.

Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan

Integrated scheme for school education from pre-school to class 12, focusing on bridging gender and social gaps, providing free uniforms and textbooks to girls up to Class VIII, separate toilets, self-defense training, and stipend for girls with special needs.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Savings scheme for parents to build a fund for the future education and marriage expenses of their girl children.

National Scheme of Incentive to Girls for Secondary Education

Provides financial incentives to encourage the enrollment of girls belonging to SC/ST communities and families below the poverty line in secondary education.

CBSE Udaan Scheme

Aims to increase the enrollment of girls in prestigious engineering colleges by providing free online resources, tutorials, and financial assistance for girls in Class XI and XII.

Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs)

Residential schools for girls belonging to disadvantaged communities, providing free education and residential facilities from class VI to XII.

Rani Laxmi Bai Aatma Raksha Prashikshan

Self-defense training program for girls in classes VI to XII studying in government schools to ensure their safety and security.

NISHTHA (National Initiative for School Heads' and Teachers' Holistic Advancement)

Teacher training program focusing on gender-sensitive teaching-learning materials, and awareness of the POCSO Act and Juvenile Justice Act.

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020

Emphasizes gender equity in education, promoting the participation of girls in STEM fields, and ensuring safe and inclusive learning environments. It also highlights the importance of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and foundational literacy and numeracy for all children, with specific measures to support girls.

Digital Inclusion and Targeted Service Delivery

Promotes digital access for girls by providing free distribution of digital gadgets, internet infrastructure, and access to academic content and government schemes.

Cycle Distribution Scheme (Bihar)

Provides bicycles to girl students to improve school attendance and ensure safe transportation to and from school.

Scheme for Adolescent Girls (SAG)

Aims at improving the nutritional and health status of adolescent girls and promoting their overall development including education.

Swachh Bharat: Swachh Vidyalaya Campaign

Focuses on providing separate toilets for girls in schools to ensure their attendance and retention.

Mid-Day Meal Scheme

Provides free meals to school children, ensuring better attendance and nutritional support, with special provisions to include girls.

Right to Education Act (RTE) 2009

Mandates free and compulsory education for all children aged 6-14, with special provisions to ensure girls' education.

Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM POSHAN)

Previously known as the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, it aims to improve the nutritional status of school children, ensuring better school attendance, especially for girls.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA)

A flagship program aimed at the universalization of elementary education, with special focus on girl child education through various interventions like free textbooks, uniforms, and incentives.

Mahila Samakhya Programme

Focuses on women's empowerment through education, targeting women and girls in rural areas to help them become self-reliant and aware of their rights.

National Programme for Education of Girls at Elementary Level (NPEGEL)

Aims to enhance the education of girls at the elementary level by providing additional support to those in educationally backward blocks.

Balika Samriddhi Yojana

Aims to change community attitudes towards the girl child and improve the enrollment and retention of girl children in schools by providing financial incentives.

Ujjwala Scheme

Aims at preventing trafficking, providing care and rehabilitation services for victims, and ensuring education for the affected girls.

Dhanlakshmi Scheme

Provides conditional cash transfers for the girl child with insurance cover, aiming to promote the value of the girl child and her education.

Saakshar Bharat Mission

Aims to promote adult education, with a special focus on women, to achieve gender parity in literacy.

Support to Training and Employment Program (STEP)

Provides skills training and employment opportunities to women, indirectly supporting their education and economic independence.

Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY)

Although primarily a health scheme, JSY incentivizes institutional deliveries, indirectly supporting the education of girls by promoting healthier beginnings.

Madhya Pradesh Ladli Laxmi Yojana

Provides financial assistance for the education and welfare of the girl child.

Haryana Ladli Scheme

Financial incentive scheme aimed at encouraging the education and empowerment of the girl child.

Punjab’s Mata Kaushalya Kalyan Scheme

Provides financial assistance for the welfare and education of the girl child.

Girl Child Protection Scheme (Andhra Pradesh)

Aimed at enhancing the status of the girl child and promoting her education and welfare.

Mo School Abhiyan (Odisha)

Encourages community participation to improve the infrastructure and educational environment of schools, with a focus on girls' education.

Deen Dayal SPARSH Yojana

A scholarship program to promote philately among school children, encouraging educational engagement for both boys and girls.

Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS)

Provides quality education to tribal children, with special provisions to ensure the participation of girls.

Padhna Likhna Abhiyan

Focuses on achieving total literacy by 2030, with special attention to the education of adult women.

Must Read Articles:

Global Gender Gap Report 2024

Gender Gap




Q: India's gender gap in education, while showing improvement in some areas, still requires significant efforts to achieve parity. Discuss. (250 Words)