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Hindi Diwas

15th September, 2021

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  • According to Home Ministry, Hindi is the country’s official language but will prosper only through coexistence with other Indian languages.

Comment of Home Minister:

  • Hindi is not competing with any other Indian language.
  • It is actually a friend of all Indian languages and it will prosper only with co-existence.
  • He advised parents to speak to their children in their mother tongue at home even if they are studying in English-medium schools.
  • No foreign language can connect you with this country’s core thoughts. If you abandon your language you will be cut off from your roots. Such people will never prosper.
  • The best means of expression is one’s own language. Mahatma Gandhi said that primary education must be in the local language.
  • A child is most comfortable when he is taught in the language he speaks at home.


Constitutional Provision about Official Language:

Constitutional Provision for Union

·        Article 348 states that Parliament official language: Hindi or English

·        Speaker or Chairman can permit other members to speak in his mother tongue if he is not confident to speak in English or Hindi.

·        Under Article 343: Official language of Union is in Devnagari script.

·        Numerals would be International numerals.



Constitutional Provision for States

·        Under article 210, Official language of State legislature : Hindi, English , Any other official language.

·        President can allow any language spoken by majority of people to be used as official language of state.

Language for communication between two states

·        Official language of Union will be the official language of communication between two state and states and union.

·        If two states agree, then they can choose Hindi to be official language.

Provision for Judiciary (Supreme Court )

·        Parliament can provide for Hindi language in Supreme court.

·        Since, Parliament has not made any law for it, English is the sole language of Supreme Court.

High Court

·        Governor with assent of the president can provide for Hindi or any other language to be the official language of High court.

·        Otherwise, language of transaction will be English.

Language for Bills,Acts 

·        Parliament can provide for Hindi language in Supreme court.

·        Since, Parliament has not made any law for it, English is the sole language of bills and acts in parliament.