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Inauguration of Honey FPOs under the “Formation & Promotion of 10,000 FPOs” Scheme

30th November, 2020

Context: The Honey FPO Programme of National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited. (NAFED) was inaugurated by Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare.

  • Beekeeping in India is highly predominant in the unorganized sector among the rural and tribal population.
  • Despite having a huge potential of honey production in the country, the beekeeping industry is still underdeveloped.
  • NAFED will address these issues by acting as an intermediary and filling up the gaps between the elements of the beekeeping supply chain and also ensure price remuneration to the beekeeping farmers.
  • Through these Honey FPOs, NAFED will also work for promotion of beekeeping as an occupation for unemployed women and tribal populations and uplift their livelihood”.
  • Honey beekeeping will change the lifestyle of small and marginal farmers and help in achieving the goal of increasing farmer’s income.
  • Promotion & Formation of FPOs is the first step for converting Krishi into Atmanirbhar Krishi. For this purpose new Central Sector Scheme for Formation & Promotion of new 10,000 FPOs was launched.
  • Under the new FPO scheme, so far National Level Project Management Advisory and Fund Sanctioning Committee (N-PMAFSC) had allocated 2200 FPO clusters for 2020-21 to all Implementing agencies.
  • National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Limited.(NAFED) has been appointed as the 4th National Implementing Agency other than SFAC, NABARD and NCDC for the creation of 10,000 FPOs by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers’ Welfare (DAC&FW).
  • NAFED has recently taken over the national level Federation of Indian FPOs and Aggregators (FIFA) with the aim of creating sustainable small holder institutions to enhance collective capacities, shortening of agri produce value chains for equitable returns to all stakeholders and leveraging technology for enhanced transparency, scale and seamless agri. produce trading.

Sweet revolution

  • Sweet Revolution‘ is a strategic step to emphasize the increase in honey production in the state, which can be a major contributor to doubling the income of the farmers.
  • With the increase in income, the production of crops will also increase by 15%.

Purpose of sweet revolution

  • To make Jharkhand state in the category of developed states by 2022.
  • Providing employment by connecting the farmers of the state with bee keeping.
  • To increase agriculture and horticulture yield and income of farmers.
  • To make the state the leading state in the field of honey production.
  • Children free from malnutrition.
  • Production of quality honey.,Promotion%20of%2010%2C000%20FPOs%E2%80%9D%20Scheme&text=The%20Honey%20FPO%20Programme%20of,on%2026th%20November%202020.