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19th August, 2021


  • Union Cabinet has approved a MoU between National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), India and Bangladesh on cooperation in the field of Disaster Management, Resilience and Mitigation.


Salient features of the MoU

  • Extend mutual support on the request of either Parties at the time of large scale disaster (Natural or human induced) occurring within their respective territories, in the field of relief, response, reconstruction and recovery.
  • Exchange relevant information, remote sensing data and other scientific data and share experience/best practices of disaster response, recovery, mitigation, capacity building for ensuring resilience, etc.
  • Extend cooperation in the field of advanced information technology, early warning systems, remote sensing & navigation services and expertise for disaster preparedness, response and mitigation and more towards real time data sharing.
  • Support training of officials in the field of Disaster management.
  • Conduct Joint Disaster Management Exercises bilaterally between both the countries.
  • Share standards, latest technologies and tools for creating Disaster Resilient Communities.
  • Exchange publications and materials as textbooks, guidelines in the field of Disaster Management and may conduct joint research activities in the field of Disaster management, Risk Reduction and Recovery.


National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)

  • NDMA, is an apex Body to lay down policies for disaster management. It is the apex statutory body for disaster management in India.
  • NDMA was established through the Disaster Management Act enacted by the Government of India on 23 December 2005.
  • NDMA is responsible for framing policies, laying down guidelines and best-practices for coordinating with the State Disaster Management Authorities (SDMAs) to ensure a holistic and distributed approach to disaster management.
  • It is headed by the Prime Minister of India and can have up to nine other members. Since 2020, there have been five other members.


Functions and Responsibilities

  • Lay down policies on disaster management.
  • Approve the National Plan.
  • Approve plans prepared by the Ministries or Departments of the Government of India in accordance with the National Plan.
  • Lay down guidelines to be followed by the State Authorities in drawing up the State Plan.
  • Lay down guidelines to be followed by the different Ministries or Departments of the Government of India for the Purpose of integrating the measures for prevention of disaster or the mitigation of its effects in their development plans and projects.
  • Coordinate the enforcement and implementation of the policy and plans for disaster management.
  • Recommend provision of funds for the purpose of mitigation.
  • Provide such support to other countries affected by major disasters as may be determined by the Central Government.
  • Take such other measures for the prevention of disaster, or the mitigation, or preparedness and capacity building for dealing with threatening disaster situations or disasters as it may consider necessary.
  • Lay down broad policies and guidelines for the functioning of the National Institute of Disaster Management.