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7th June, 2023

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  • The President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu, and the President of Suriname, Chandrikapersad Santokhi, participate in a cultural festival in Paramaribo to mark the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Indians in Suriname.


Cultural Festival and Historical Milestone:

  • President of India, Smt Droupadi Murmu, and President Chandrikapersad Santokhi of Suriname witnessed a cultural festival in Paramaribo.
  • The festival commemorates the 150th anniversary of the arrival of Indians in Suriname.
  • The first group of Indians arrived in Suriname on June 5, 1873, aboard the ship Lalla Rookh.

Suriname's Multicultural Society:

  • President Murmu acknowledges Suriname as a multicultural society that has welcomed diverse communities.
  • Over the years, the communities have evolved into one family and one country.
  • Appreciation for the dedication and commitment to unity and inclusiveness in Suriname.

Indian Diaspora and Deepening Partnership:

  • Despite geographical distances and cultural diversity, the Indian diaspora remains connected to their roots.
  • The Indian community has become an integral part of Surinamese society.
  • The Indian diaspora constitutes an important pillar in the deepening partnership between India and Suriname.

Extended Eligibility for OCI Card:

  • President Murmu announces India's decision to extend the eligibility criteria for Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) Card.
  • The eligibility will now include up to the sixth generation of original Indian immigrants from Suriname.
  • The OCI card is seen as an important link in the 150-year-old relationship between India and Suriname.
  • Encouragement for the Indian diaspora to maintain their connections with India.

Solidarity and Shared Aspirations:

  • Solidarity between Suriname and India based on rebuilding economies and social systems after colonial rule.
  • India-Suriname bilateral relations are grounded in shared aspirations for development.

Honors and Recognition:

  • President Murmu pays homage at the Baba and Mai monument and the Mama Sranan monument.
  • The President receives the highest civilian honor of Suriname, the 'Grand Order of the Chain of the Yellow Star.'
  • Dedication of the honor to successive generations of the Indian-Surinamese community.

Inclusive World Order and Global Engagement:

  • President Murmu emphasizes India's approach to an inclusive world order that considers the interests of every country.
  • India's assistance to over 100 countries during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • India's engagement through the G-20 presidency and the Voice of South Summit.

Appreciation for Suriname's Participation:

  • President Murmu appreciates Suriname's participation in India's initiatives, including the Voice of South Summit.

About Suriname

Geographical and Demographic Overview:

  • Suriname is a country located on the northeastern coast of South America, bordered by Guyana, Brazil, and French Guiana.
  • It has a diverse population consisting of multiple ethnic groups, including Creoles, Hindustanis, Maroons, Javanese, Chinese, and Indigenous peoples.

Colonial History and Independence:

  • Suriname was a Dutch colony from the 17th century until gaining independence on November 25, 1975.
  • The legacy of colonization has influenced Suriname's cultural, linguistic, and legal systems.

Political System:

  • Suriname is a democratic republic with a multi-party political system.
  • The President is the head of state and the government is formed through parliamentary elections.

Cultural Diversity:

  • Suriname is known for its cultural diversity, with various ethnic groups maintaining their traditions, languages, and customs.
  • Festivals, music, dance, and cuisine reflect the multicultural fabric of Surinamese society.

Natural Resources and Economy:

  • Suriname possesses rich natural resources, including bauxite, gold, oil, and timber.
  • The mining and agricultural sectors, particularly rice and bananas, play a significant role in Suriname's economy.
  • Tourism is emerging as a potential sector for economic growth.

Environmental and Biodiversity Importance:

  • Suriname is recognized for its pristine rainforests and abundant biodiversity.
  • The country has made efforts to protect its natural environment through conservation initiatives and sustainable practices.

International Relations:

  • Suriname maintains diplomatic relations with various countries, actively participating in regional and international organizations.
  • It is a member of the United Nations, the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).

Challenges and Development Priorities:

  • Suriname faces challenges related to economic diversification, infrastructure development, poverty reduction, and healthcare improvement.
  • The government is focused on attracting investments, enhancing education, and promoting sustainable development to address these challenges.

Background of Suriname Relations with India

Historical and Cultural Ties:

  • The arrival of Indians in Suriname marks an important milestone in the history of Suriname, establishing a historical connection between the two nations.
  • India and Suriname share cultural and historical ties due to the presence of a significant Indian diaspora in Suriname.
  • The Indian community has integrated into Surinamese society and contributed to its multicultural fabric.

Bilateral Cooperation:

  • Both countries have worked towards strengthening bilateral ties and promoting cooperation in various fields.
  • India and Suriname have engaged in diplomatic exchanges, high-level visits, and discussions to enhance collaboration.
  • The focus has been on areas such as trade, investment, agriculture, education, health, and technology.

Economic Partnership:

  • Economic cooperation between India and Suriname has gained momentum in recent years.
  • Efforts have been made to promote trade and investment through bilateral agreements and business delegations.
  • India has extended lines of credit and technical assistance to support infrastructure projects and capacity building in Suriname.

Development Assistance:

  • India has provided development assistance to Suriname, particularly in sectors such as agriculture, healthcare, information technology, and renewable energy.
  • These initiatives aim to support Suriname's socio-economic development and strengthen its institutional capabilities.

People-to-People Exchanges:

  • Cultural exchanges, academic scholarships, and training programs have facilitated people-to-people interactions between India and Suriname.
  • These exchanges help foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other's cultures and traditions.

International Cooperation:

  • India and Suriname have collaborated on international platforms, including the United Nations, to address common challenges and promote shared interests.
  • They have supported each other's candidatures and positions on various global issues.

COVID-19 Assistance:

  • India has extended support to Suriname during the COVID-19 pandemic, providing medical supplies, vaccines, and technical expertise to combat the spread of the virus.
  • This cooperation reflects the solidarity and friendship between the two countries in times of crisis.

Recent Developments:

  • In 2017, India provided Suriname with a $10 million line of credit to support the construction of a new water treatment plant in Paramaribo.
  • In 2018, India and Suriname signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of agriculture.
  • In 2019, India and Suriname held their fifth joint commission meeting, which focused on strengthening cooperation in trade, investment, education, and culture.
  • In 2020, India provided Suriname with medical supplies and equipment to help the country fight the COVID-19 pandemic.


Q) Discuss how the Indian diaspora in South America can contribute to the deepening of India's economic interests. 250 words