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Issi saaneq                                                             

10th November, 2021

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The story so far: In 1994, palaeontologists from Harvard University unearthed two well-preserved dinosaur skulls during an excavation in East Greenland.

  • One of the specimens was originally thought to be from a Plateosaurus, a well-known long-necked dinosaur that lived in Germany, France and Switzerland.
  • A micro-CT scan of the bones, finds that it belong to a new species, which they have named Issi saaneq.
  • The new findings are the first evidence of a distinct Greenlandic dinosaur species.
  • The two skulls come from a juvenile and an almost adult individual.
  • The dinosaur differs from all other sauropodomorphs discovered so far, but has similarities with dinosaurs found in Brazil, such as the Macrocollum and Unaysaurus, which are almost 15 million years older.

About Issi saaneq:

  • The two-legged Issi saaneq lived about 214 million years ago in what is now Greenland.
  • It was a medium-sized, long necked herbivore and a predecessor of the sauropods, the largest land animals ever to live.