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Istanbul Convention on violence against women

3rd July, 2021


  • Turkey’s withdrawal from Istanbul Convention on Violence Against Women has led to protests across the country.
  • Turkey’s has taken this step despite the alarmingly high rates of violence and femicide in the country.


What is the Istanbul Convention on violence against women?

  • The Council of Europe established the Istanbul Convention, as a human rights treaty.
  • It is the first legally-binding instrument which "creates a comprehensive legal framework and approach to combat violence against women" and is focused on preventing domestic violence, protecting victims and prosecuting accused offenders.
  • Aim:
    • to prevent and prosecute all forms of violence against women
    • promote gender equality and
    • ensure protection and rehabilitation of women who are victims of violence.
  • The treaty was opened for ratification in May 2011. From the European Union, 34 countries signed this treaty.
  • India is not a party of this convention.
  • Turkey was the first country to ratify the Istanbul convention and incorporated it into its domestic law.


What are the reasons for Turkey’s withdrawal?

  • Even though the official gazette did not include the reason for Turkey’s withdrawal.
  • But, it is claimed that the convention demeans traditional family structure, promotes divorces and encourages acceptance of LGBTQ in the society.
  • Government justified the move by stating that
    • Homosexuality – is incompatible with Turkey’s social and family values.
    • Turkey’s local laws will protect women’s rights.


How serious is the problem of violence against women in Turkey?

  • Violence against women and honour killings are persistent in Turkey.
  • The country ranks 133 out of 156 countries in the Global Gender Gap report 2021.
  • The Turkish government does not maintain any official records on femicides.
  • Domestic violence against women and girls has intensified amidst the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • The issue of violence against women rose, when Turkish women’s rights activists claimed the black and white challenge on Instagram as a way of calling attention to Turkey’s alarming femicide rates.


How have various organisations and the international community reacted?

  • United Nations: Turkey’s withdrawal would undermine the efforts invested so far to prevent and combat violence against women. It may hinder progress towards strengthening of national legislative, policy and institutional frameworks.
  • US described the move as “disappointing” and a “disheartening” step backward in the fight to end violence against women.