Cabinet approves Ken-Betwa river linking project at cost of Rs 44,605 cr.
The Ken-Betwa link project (KBLP) is the first river interlinking project, among the 16 similar projects planned under the Peninsular Rivers Development of the NPP.
It will connect the tributaries of the Yamuna River, namely the Ken river in the Panna district of Madhya Pradesh and the Betwa river in Uttar Pradesh.
Under the Ken-Betwa link project, water will be transferred from Ken to Betwa river through the construction of Daudhan Dam and a canal linking the two rivers.
The Ken River is one of the major rivers in the Bundelkhand region of central India and flows through the states of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. It is a tributary of the Yamuna.
The Ken River originates on the north-west slopes of Barner Range in UP.
The Ken valley separates the Rewa Plateau from the Satna Plateau.
A tributary of the Yamuna it rises in the Vindhya Range (Raisen) just north of Hoshangabad in Madhya Pradesh and flows northeast through Madhya Pradesh and Orchha to Uttar Pradesh.
Nearly half of its course, which is not navigable, runs over the Malwa Plateau.
The confluence of the Betwa and the Yamuna rivers is in Hamirpur district in Uttar Pradesh, in the vicinity of Orchha.