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LS passes Marine Aids to Navigation Bill  

23rd March, 2021

Context: Lok Sabha passed the Marine Aids to Navigation Bill, 2021. The Bill aims to provide for the development, maintenance and management of aids to navigation in India.



The Bill proposes to use the term “marine aids to navigation” instead of the existing “lighthouse” to statutorily recognise and enable further use of modern forms of aids to navigation.


Summary of the Bill:


  • It repeals the Lighthouse Act, 1927, which provides for the maintenance and control of lighthouses in India. Key features of the Bill include:
  • Application: The Bill applies to the whole of India including various maritime zones including territorial waters, continental shelf, and exclusive economic zone.
  • Aid to navigation: The Bill defines aid to navigation as a device, system, or service, external to the vessels designed and operated to enhance the safety and efficiency of navigation of vessels and vessel traffic.
  • Director General of Aids to Navigation: The Director General will advise the central government on matters related to aids to navigation, among others.
  • Management of General Aids to Navigation and vessel traffic services: The central government will be responsible for the development, maintenance, and management of all general aids to navigation and vessel traffic services
    • Its powers with regard to management of aids to navigation include: (i) establishing, maintaining, adding, altering, or removing any aid to navigation, (ii) authorising to inspect any such aid which may affect the safety of navigation, and (iii) acquiring any land as may be necessary.
  • Training and certification: The Bill provides that no person shall be allowed to operate on any aid to navigation (including any ancillary activities), or any vessel traffic service in any place unless he holds a valid training certificate.
  • Levy of marine aids to navigation dues: The Bill provides that marine aids to navigation dues will be levied and collected for every ship arriving at or departing from any port in India, at the rate specified by the central government from time to time. The central government may wholly or partially exempt certain vessels from these dues.  
  • Heritage Lighthouse: The central government may designate any aid to navigation under its control as a heritage lighthouse. In addition to their function as aids to navigation, such lighthouses will be developed for educational, cultural, and tourism purposes.