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Malnutrition in India

3rd August, 2021


  • Government has told the Rajya Sabha that there are over 9 lakh children with severe malnutrition in the country as of November 30 last year.

Reasons behind Malnutrition:

  • Calorie deficiency
  • Protein Hunger
  • Micronutrient malnutrition

Other reasons:

  • Poor uneducated women don’t focus on children nutrition.
  • Poor sanitations, lack of access to good quality food, lack of access to mineral drinking water are biggest reasons behind it.
  • Birthing child in lower age, poor nutritional status of pregnant women and lack of adequate gap between two children are other reasons.
  • Low per capita income, Higher food inflation especially fruit inflation, monodiet (having rice and lentils only) further aggravates the malnutritions.
  • Poor implementation of the Policies like ICDS (Integrated Child development scheme), corruption in implementation of Mid-day meal scheme, lack of convergence between different ministries is other policy related causes.
  • Poor fund utilization: Many States have only utilized 16% of their allotted funds in National Nutrition Mission.

Methods to mitigate malnutrition:

ICDS scheme: It focuses on improving the nutritional and health status of children in the age group 0-6 years. It involves:

  • Supplementary nutrition (SNP),
  • Immunization,
  • Health check-up,
  • Referral services,
  • Pre-school non-formal education

Mid day meal:  It focuses on improving the nutritional status of children.

Poshan Abhiyan:

  • POSHAN Abhiyaan has been set up by Government of India on 18.12.2017 for a three-year time frame commencing from 2017-18 with an aim to reduce the level of stunting in children (0-6 years), under-nutrition (underweight prevalence) in children (0-6 years) and Low Birth Weight at 2% per annum and reduce anaemia among young children (6-59 months), women and adolescent girls at 3% per annum across the country.
  • It ensures convergence with various programmes, organising Community Based Events; incentivising States/UTs for achieving goals.

Other Approach:

  • Include pulses in the PDS, mid day meal for dealing with protein hunger.
  • National Horticulture mission is an attempt to reduce the micronutrient malnutrition.

Challenges in the Schemes:

  • Schemes has not been able to utilise the budget allotted to them. Most revised figures have been downgraded from estimate budgeted figures.
  • In Poshan Abhiyan, much focus has been on digitisation of the process than achieving the convergence in the schemes.
  • National nutrition mission doesn’t focus on making low cost nutrition diet popular among the masses to make nutrition diet available for everyone.
  • It doesn’t make focus on disseminating information to public about basic dietary practices for children, adolescents, and mothers. For example, what is a balanced diet on a limited budget.
  • National nutrition mission doesn’t focus on breaking down the silos existing between health and women & child ministry to provide a comprehensive package for dealing with malnutrition.

Way forward:

  • Focus on nutrition-related interventions, beyond digitisation;
  • Intensify the convergence component of POSHAN Abhiyaan, using the platform to bring all departments in one place to address nutrition;
  • Direct the announcement to form 10,000 farmer producer organisations with an allocation of Rs. 500 crore to nutrition-based activities;
  • Promotion of youth schemes to be directed to nutrition-agriculture link activities in rural areas;
  • Give explicit emphasis and fund allocation to agriculture-nutrition linked schemes;
  • Ensure early disbursement of funds and an optimum utilisation of schemes linked to nutrition.