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25th August, 2023

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Context: The Indian government is considering extending duty restrictions to non-basmati parboiled rice exports, which could involve imposing a 20% export duty on this variety. For basmati rice, there is a proposal to introduce a minimum export price (MEP) of around $1,250 per tonne. The decisions regarding duty and MEP will depend on various factors, including domestic rice prices.


  • India is the world's largest exporter of rice, with a share of about 25% in the global market. However, in recent years, the country has faced a surge in domestic rice prices due to various factors, such as lower production, higher demand, rising input costs, and supply chain disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has led to concerns about food security and inflation in the country, as well as pressure from farmers and consumers to intervene in the market.
  • In response to this situation, the government has taken some measures to regulate the rice trade and ensure adequate availability and affordability of the staple for domestic consumers. In 2021, the government banned the export of white rice (also known as milled or polished rice), which accounts for about 80% of India's rice exports. The ban applies to all varieties of white rice, including basmati (a premium long-grain aromatic rice) and non-basmati (a generic term for all other types of rice). The ban is expected to remain in place until further notice, depending on the domestic price situation.
    • However, the ban does not cover parboiled rice (also known as converted or easy-cook rice), which is a type of rice that undergoes a partial boiling process before milling. Parboiled rice accounts for about 20% of India's rice exports and is mainly exported to African countries. The government has allowed the export of parboiled rice but with some restrictions.
  • According to media reports, the government is considering imposing a 20% duty on non-basmati parboiled rice exports, while a minimum export price (MEP) of around $1,250 per tonne could be levied on basmati parboiled rice. However, these measures have not been officially announced yet and will depend on several factors, including domestic rice prices, they added.

Market response

  • The government's decision to ban white rice exports and restrict parboiled rice exports has been met with mixed reactions from various stakeholders.
  • On one hand, some experts and industry bodies have welcomed the move as a necessary step to curb inflation and protect the interests of domestic consumers and farmers. They have argued that the ban will increase the domestic supply of rice and bring down its prices, which have risen by about 20% in the past year. They have also claimed that the ban will not affect India's overall export earnings much, as white rice exports account for only about 2% of India's total merchandise exports.
  • On the other hand, some exporters and traders have opposed the move as a short-sighted and counter-productive policy that will hurt India's reputation and competitiveness in the global market. They have contended that the ban will reduce India's export volumes and revenues, which amounted to about $6.8 billion in 2020-21. They have also warned that the ban will create a supply gap in the international market, which could be filled by rival countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Pakistan, and Myanmar. They have urged the government to lift the ban as soon as possible and adopt a more stable and predictable policy framework for rice exports. 


●Rice is a staple food for a vast portion of the population. It is a dietary foundation for millions, especially in states across South India and the northeastern regions.

●Rice is predominantly a kharif crop, cultivated during the rainy season. It requires specific climatic conditions for optimal growth:

○Rice cultivation thrives in areas with high temperatures, typically above 25°C.

High humidity levels are favourable for rice growth.

○Regions with annual rainfall exceeding 100 cm are ideal for rice cultivation.

●Approximately one-fourth of the total cropped area in India is dedicated to rice cultivation.

●Southern states like Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Kerala, along with West Bengal, enjoy a climate suitable for multiple rice crops within a single agricultural year. This allows farmers to cultivate two or even three crops of rice successively.

●West Bengal is known for cultivating three distinct crops of rice: Aus Rice, Aman Rice, and Boro Rice.

●Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, West Bengal, and Kerala are recognized for achieving high rice yields, often due to improved cultivation techniques and agricultural technology.

Minimum Export Price (MEP)


  • A Minimum Export Price (MEP) is a policy tool used by governments to set a floor price for the export of certain commodities. It ensures that exports are not sold below a specified price, protecting the domestic market from price fluctuations and supply shortages. MEPs are usually implemented in response to concerns about domestic availability, food security, and price stability.


  • Price Stability: MEPs play a crucial role in maintaining stability within domestic markets by preventing excessive exports. When commodities are exported at very low prices due to global market fluctuations or aggressive trade practices, it can lead to scarcity in the domestic market. This scarcity can then result in price spikes, making essential commodities unaffordable for consumers. By setting an MEP, governments ensure that exports do not disrupt the local supply-demand balance, thus preventing sudden price fluctuations.
  • Domestic Food Security: MEPs contribute significantly to domestic food security. By controlling the outflow of essential commodities at very low prices, governments can ensure a consistent supply of these commodities to their citizens. This is particularly important during times of increased demand, such as festivals, and in the face of production disruptions caused by natural disasters or other factors. An adequate supply of essential goods reduces the risk of food shortages and promotes overall social stability.
  • Protecting Farmers: Farmers often face the risk of receiving inadequate compensation for their produce due to volatile international markets. MEPs offer a safety net by preventing international prices from falling below a certain level. This protection ensures that farmers receive fair prices for their goods, thus incentivizing them to continue agricultural activities and ensuring the sustainability of the agricultural sector.
  • Inflation Control: Price instability in essential commodities can contribute to broader inflationary pressures within the economy. Sudden increases in the cost of necessities can lead to higher living costs for consumers and increased production costs for businesses. By maintaining stable prices through MEPs, governments contribute to overall inflation control and help maintain a balanced macroeconomic environment.

Key features

  • Price Floor: MEP establishes a baseline price below which exporters are not allowed to sell their commodities in international markets. This prevents these commodities from being dumped in foreign markets at extremely low prices, which could have a detrimental impact on domestic markets and the local economy. By setting a price floor, governments ensure that their commodities are sold at reasonable levels, which can also benefit local producers and industries.
  • Export Control: MEP functions as a regulatory tool for governments to manage the quantity of commodities leaving the country. It allows authorities to monitor and control the volume of exports, preventing excessive outflows that could lead to domestic shortages or price spikes. This control mechanism ensures that the country retains an adequate supply of essential commodities to meet domestic needs.
  • Commodity Specific: MEP is not uniformly applied to all commodities but can be tailored to specific products or categories. Governments may choose to apply MEP to commodities that are crucial for domestic consumption, strategic reasons, or industries of national importance. This targeted approach ensures that vital commodities remain available and affordable for the local population.
  • Periodic Review: MEP is not a fixed policy but can be subject to periodic reviews and adjustments. Governments monitor international market trends, domestic production levels, and demand-supply dynamics to determine whether the MEP needs to be modified. This adaptability allows authorities to respond to changing economic conditions and ensure that the MEP remains effective in achieving its intended goals.


  • Macro-Economic Stability: MEPs play a pivotal role in maintaining macroeconomic stability by preventing abrupt and extreme price fluctuations. Excessive exports at very low prices can lead to market instability, inflationary pressures, and economic uncertainty. By controlling exports through MEPs, governments contribute to a more predictable and balanced economic environment, benefiting both consumers and businesses.
  • Domestic Welfare: At times of supply uncertainty, such as during production disruptions or sudden changes in international market conditions, MEPs provide a safety net for consumers. By preventing the outflow of essential commodities at excessively low prices, MEPs ensure that consumers continue to have access to these goods at reasonable prices. This stability contributes to the overall well-being and welfare of the population.
  • Agricultural Sector Support: MEPs offer critical support to the agricultural sector by protecting the interests of farmers. Agriculture is often vulnerable to external market forces, and farmers can face challenges when dealing with price volatility. MEPs ensure that farmers receive fair compensation for their hard work and investment, which can boost their confidence and incentivize them to continue contributing to the economy.


  • Trade Relations: Implementing MEPs can indeed have implications for trade relations. Importing countries may view MEPs as protectionist measures aimed at limiting their access to certain goods. This perception could lead to strained trade relationships, trade disputes, or even retaliatory actions. Navigating this challenge requires careful diplomacy and clear communication to ensure that MEPs are understood as measures taken for domestic stability rather than trade barriers.
  • Misalignment with International Prices: There's a potential risk of setting MEPs too high, which could lead to a disconnect between domestic prices and international market trends. If the MEP exceeds prevailing international prices, exporters might struggle to compete in the global market. This could result in reduced demand for the country's exports, negatively impacting trade revenue and market share.
  • Enforcement and Monitoring: Implementing MEPs effectively requires robust enforcement and monitoring mechanisms. Ensuring that exporters comply with the minimum price requirement is essential to prevent circumvention or violations. Effective enforcement mechanisms are necessary to prevent black-market activities, where goods are exported below the MEP through illicit means. This requires a dedicated regulatory framework, technology-enabled monitoring, and collaboration between government agencies.
  • Balancing Domestic and Export Interests: Governments must carefully balance the interests of domestic consumers and producers with those of exporters. While MEPs protect domestic markets, they can potentially impact the profitability and competitiveness of exporters. Striking the right balance between these interests is crucial to avoid unintended consequences that could affect both domestic and export sectors negatively.
  • Responsive Adjustments: Regular adjustments to MEPs based on changing market dynamics and economic conditions are necessary for their effectiveness. However, implementing timely adjustments can be challenging, especially in rapidly changing markets. Delays in adjusting MEPs could render them ineffective in achieving their intended goals.
  • Compliance Costs: For businesses, adhering to MEPs might involve additional administrative and operational costs. Ensuring that goods meet the minimum price criteria could require extra documentation, quality control measures, and compliance checks. These added costs can impact profit margins, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

Way Forward

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Continuous and accurate data collection and analysis are fundamental for setting MEP levels that align with market realities. Monitoring domestic production, consumption patterns, and international market trends allows policymakers to make informed decisions that reflect the current economic landscape.
  • Transparent Communication: Clear and transparent communication is vital for the successful implementation of MEPs. Governments should communicate the rationale behind MEP measures to both domestic stakeholders and international trading partners. This transparency helps build trust, minimizes misunderstandings, and reduces the likelihood of trade disputes.
  • Balancing Interests: Finding a harmonious balance between protecting domestic interests and maintaining robust trade relations is a delicate task. Policymakers should carefully consider the impact of MEPs on various stakeholders, including domestic producers, exporters, and consumers, while also factoring in global trade dynamics.
  • Trade Agreements: When implementing MEPs, governments should be mindful of their commitments under international trade agreements. Ensuring that MEP measures align with these agreements helps prevent disputes and maintains the country's reputation as a reliable trading partner.
  • Adaptive Approach: Markets are dynamic and subject to change. An adaptive approach is crucial to the success of MEP implementation. Governments should be prepared to revise MEP levels, if necessary, in response to shifting market conditions, evolving consumer demands, and changes in global trade dynamics.


  • MEPs are a tool to manage the delicate balance between domestic needs and international trade. While they offer benefits in terms of price stability and food security, their implementation requires careful consideration of both short-term objectives and long-term trade relationships.

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Q. What are the key features of Minimum Export Price (MEP) policies, and what impact do they have on international trade and domestic economies? What challenges might arise in implementing MEP measures, and what strategies can be proposed to address these challenges and ensure a balanced and effective approach to regulating exports?