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National Commission for Women (NCW)

3rd February, 2022

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  • According to the Prime Minister, given the evolving needs of women in the country, the scope of NCW must be broadened.

Need for expanding the scope:

Economic empowerment of women:

  • The Atmanirbhar Bharat (Self-Reliant India) campaign has demonstrated the link between women's potential and the country's development.
  • Women account for almost 70% of the beneficiaries of the Pradhan Mantri MUDRA Yojana.
  • In the previous 6-7 years, the number of women's self-help organisations in the country has tripled.
  • Similarly, 45 percent of the more than 60 thousand firms founded after 2016 have at least one female director.
  • Women's skills and influence have aided the advancement of industries ranging from textile to dairy.
  • Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) are critical to India's economy, and women entrepreneurs must be encouraged.

Rise in crime against women:

  • The NCW reported in 2021 that there was a 46 percent increase in complaints of crimes against women in the first eight months of 2021 compared to the same time the previous year.
  • Domestic violence, dowry harassment, sexual harassment at work, rape and attempted rape, and cyber crimes were among the crimes committed against women.

About NCW

  • The National Commission for Women was set up as statutory body in January 1992 under the National Commission for Women Act, 1990 ( Act No. 20 of 1990 of Govt.of India ) to :


  • review the Constitutional and Legal safeguards for women ;
  • recommend remedial legislative measures ;
  • facilitate redressal of grievances and
  • advise the Government on all policy matters affecting women.



The Commission shall consist of:-

  • A Chairperson, committed to the cause of women, to be nominated by the Central Government.
  • five Members to be nominated by the Central Government from amongst persons of ability, integrity and standing who have had experience in law or legislation, trade unionism, management of an industry potential of women, women's voluntary organisations ( including women activist ), administration, economic development, health, education or social welfare;  
  • Provided that at least one Member each shall be from amongst persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes respectively;
  • a Member-Secretary to be nominated by the Central Government who shall be :-
    • an expert in the field of management, organisational structure or sociological movement, or
    • an officer who is a member of a civil service of the Union or of an all-India service or holds a civil post under the Union with appropriate experience


Way Forward:

  • Amending the NCW Act: In today's India, women's roles are constantly expanding, and the NCW's function must be expanded as well. The State Commissions must also broaden their scope.
  • Increasing the Minimum Marriage Age: It is being proposed that the minimum marriage age for girls be raised to 21 years, so that marriage at a young age does not obstruct daughters' education and careers.
  • Addressing Violence Against Women (Violence Against Women): Women's violence remains a barrier to attaining equality, development, and peace, as well as the realisation of women's and girls' human rights. Overall, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) goal of "leaving no one behind" cannot be realised without ending violence.