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11th November, 2022

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In News

  • The Union Government has introduced some new guidelines under the title “airwaves/frequencies are public property and need to be used in the best interest of the society”.
  • The Union Cabinet has approved the uplinking and downlinking of television channels in India, under which all the stations have to broadcast content on issues of national importance and social relevance for at least 30 minutes every day, except for the foreign channels and where it may not be feasible.


Key points of the Guidelines

  • The new guidelines replaced earlier guidelines of 2011.
  • New guidelines would simplify the issue of permission to the companies and limited liability partnership firms (which have been allowed for the first time) registered in India for uplinking-downlinking of TV channels and associated activities.
  • The provision introduced under “airwaves/frequencies are public property and need to be used in the best interest of the society” has 8 listed themes;
    • Education and spread of literacy.
    • Agriculture and rural development.
    • Health and family welfare.
    • Science and technology.
    • The welfare of women.
    • The welfare of the weaker sections of society.
    • Protection of the environment and cultural heritage.
    • National integration.
  • The guidelines exempt the channels including those related to sports, where it would not be feasible to broadcast such content.
  • Whenever required, the union government would issue general advisories to the channels in this regard.
  • According to the new guidelines, asking permission for the live telecast of events had been removed, now only prior registration of events would be necessary for live telecast.
    • Prior permission would not be required to change the language or convert the mode of transmission, from Standard Definition to High Definition or vice versa.
  • The penalty clauses have been rationalized and graded penalties proposed for different types of contraventions.


Significance of the step

  • The guidelines allowed companies to uplink foreign channels from Indian teleports which would create employment opportunities.
  • It will make India a teleport hub for other countries.
  • Promote ease of doing business, now news agencies could get permission for five years as against one year at present.


Significance of Media

  • Media refers to all means of Communication, everything ranging from a Phone Call to the news on TV.
    • TV, radio and newspapers are a form of media. Since they reach millions of people across the world they are Called Mass Media.
  • A balanced report is essential in media which has to report independently.
  • Media plays a very important role in providing news and discussing events taking place in the Country and the world.
    • News Stories in the media inform people about important events in the Country.
  • Media by focusing on particular issues influences and Shapes our thoughts. It is said the media sets the agenda for People.
    • Opinions, attitudes, and Conduct of persons are dependent upon the information available to them.
    • Most of our knowledge of Contemporary events comes to us from newspapers, Radio, Television and movies.
    • Our emotions and attitudes are also formed or influenced to a large extent by the media.
  • The media tell us about the working of the Government and create awareness about the welfare programmes.

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  • The media is far from being independent. This is because of the Control of the Government over the media Called Censoring and because big business houses Control the media.
  • Corporate Funding - A lot of money is spent on maintaining People and getting the latest technology. To meet this Cost, it needs money.
    • Media, therefore, uses advertising as a tool to raise revenue.
  • Manipulating News for TRPs is not only a financial scam but also morally and ethically wrong.
  • Some Channels are spreading a hate narrative which is a violation of the fundamental right of the citizen to know the truth through the media.
  • The media has become a source of disinformation, and this is also an ethical issue.
    • Both legal and ethical dimensions are equally serious

Way Forward

  • The democratic way of life depends upon the existence of free agencies of mass media.
  • The Media must act in a Responsible and Independence manner; they need to promote Sincerity, Truthfulness, Accuracy, and Impartiality in their work.
  • News reporting must be factual and objective.
  • Programs relating to Controversial public issues are needed to give fair representation to both sides of the issue.
  • Children’s programs are to be educative rather than merely entertaining.
  • Advertising of hard liquor, and fortune-telling, must be avoided.
  • Privacy is one of the fundamental freedoms of people and it is essential to liberty and human dignity.
  • A journalist must be held accountable for the consequences of the reporting.
  • Need to promote a Free and Responsible Press.
  • The technique of murder must be presented in a way that will not inspire imitation.
  • Brutal killings are not to be presented in detail.
  • The media should not report the glorification of war, over-sentimentality, unnecessary brutality or killing, passionate love scenes, undue sympathy for immoral or criminal behaviour, or superficiality.
  • Government can facilitate the Reform Process. The government may pass a law that any violation will face legal action or criminal action, but the media needed a strong policy of Self­-regulation and at the same time independent regulation.