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Parliamentary Bills

9th August, 2021


  • Taxation Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021, and the Central Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2021, without debate or discussion.


  • A bill is said to be a draft statute that is presented in either houses of the
  • Parliament only after being passed by both the houses of the Parliament and it has received the president's assent.
  • These are legislative proposals that are introduced in the forms of bills.

2.Bills in Indian Parliament

Ordinary Bills

  • As per Articles 107 and 108 of the Indian Constitution, an ordinary bill is concerned with any matter other than financial subjects.
  • An ordinary bill is introduced in either House of the Parliament.
  • This bill is introduced by a Minister or a Private member.
  • There is no recommendation of the President in the case of ordinary bills.
  • Ordinary bill can be amended/rejected by Rajya Sabha and it can be detained by Rajya Sabha for a period of six months.
  • After being passed by both the houses of Parliament, it is presented to the President for his approval or assent under Article 111 of the Indian Constitution.
  • There is a provision of joint sitting in case of ordinary bills.

Money bills

  • Money bills are those bills which are concerned with financial matters like taxation, public expenditure,
  • These are those bills that contain provisions that deal with all or any of the matters specified in Article 110 of the Indian Constitution.
  • This bill is presented only in Lok Sabha.
  • It is introduced only by the Minister.
  • Money bill is introduced only after the President's recommendation.
  • This bill cannot be amended or rejected by Rajya Sabha.
  • It can be detained by Rajya Sabha for the maximum period of 14 days.
  • Money bill is then sent to the President for his approval only after being passed by the Lok Sabha.
  • There is no provision of joint sitting in case of money bill.

Financial bill

  • As per Article 117 of the Indian Constitution, financial bills are those bills which are concerned with financial matters but are di erent from money bills.
  • Financial bills are further classified as Financial bills Categories A and B.
  • Category A Bills contain provisions dealing with any of the matters specified in subclause a to f of clause 1 of Article 110 Indian Constitution.
  • Category B Bills involve expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India.

Constitutional Amendment Bill

  • Article 368 of the Indian Constitution is concerned with the provisions of amendment of the Constitution.

Ordinance Replacing Bill

  • This bill is brought before Parliament to replace an ordinance with or without modifications promulgated by the President under Article 123 of the Indian Constitution.