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Peace Accord in Tripura

7th September, 2024

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Centre and Tripura government sign peace accord with NLFT and ATTF. 





Insurgency in North Eastern Region

Definition: An insurgency is a violent, armed rebellion by small, lightly armed bands who practice guerrilla warfare against a larger authority.

North Eastern Region: The Insurgency in Northeast India involves multiple separatist militant groups operating in some of India's northeastern states.

Tensions existed between insurgents in these states and the central government as well as amongst their native indigenous people and migrants from other parts of India and illegal immigrants.

Cause of Insurgency

Their geographic and ethnic ‘othering’ from ‘mainland’ India.

The intra-regional ethnolinguistic fractionalization.

Their unique history that diverges from the “national canon”, and the post-colonial Indian government’s insufficient attempts to mainstream North Eastern Region’s distinct social and economic characteristics in their development strategies.

Major Insurgent Groups

Sengkrak (1967): First insurgent group focused on tribal concerns. Though short-lived, it set the stage for future movements.

Tripura National Volunteers (TNV) (1978): Opposed the Bengali influx and demanded tribal rights. Disbanded after a peace accord in 1988.

National Liberation Front of Tripura (NLFT) (1989): Aimed for an independent Tripuri state, operated from Bangladesh.

All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF) (1990): Aimed to deport Bengali migrants and restore tribal rights, also operated from Bangladesh. Largely inactive by the late 2000s.

Reduction in Insurgency

Reasons Behind the Decline of Insurgency in North-East Region


  • The 2019 NLFT peace accord.
  • The agreement for Bru migrants’ permanent resettlement in Tripura.
  • The 2020 Boro Accord in Assam in 2020.
  • The 2021 Karbi Peace Accord in Assam.
  • The Adivasi Accord.
  • The 2022 Assam-Meghalaya interstate boundary agreement.
  • The Assam-Arunachal Pradesh interstate boundary agreement.
  • The Dimasa peace accord,
  • The UNLF accord.
  • The 2023 ULFA Accord. 

Rehabilitation and Development Programs: Offered financial grants, vocational training, and employment to surrendered insurgents.

Counter-Insurgency Operations: Paramilitary forces dismantled insurgent camps.

Improved Relations with Neighboring Country Bangladesh: Cooperation between India and Bangladesh  helped reduce insurgent activity from cross-border bases.

Schemes: Like Janajati brothers.

Withdrawal of AFSPA: AFSPA from Tripura was lifted in 2015

Recent Development

Tripura Agreement 2024

The Central government, in collaboration with the Tripura state government, has signed a significant peace agreement with the NLFT and ATTF.

Under the agreement signed recently, more than 328 armed cadres will give up violence and join the mainstream of society.

This agreement is the 12th peace pact in the Northeast and the third related to Tripura, with over 10,000 insurgents having surrendered and joined the mainstream under similar accords.

Government of India has resolved to develop the entire Northeast including Tripura by combining the concepts of ‘Ashtalakshmi’ and ‘Purvodaya’.

Way forward

Negotiations: Priority-based negotiations with insurgent groups willing to come to the table.

Empowerment of Autonomous District Councils: Grant more powers to the Autonomous District Councils to address local demands effectively.

Improvement in Governance: Reduce corruption and discrimination based on ethnic identity for better governance and inclusivity.

Fulfilling Youth Aspirations: Create employment opportunities for local youth to engage them in productive activities.

Development Focus: Integrate the North-East as a single economic unit without altering political boundaries.

Relations with Bangladesh: Improve relations with Bangladesh through foreign policy, cultural exchange, and social linkages to enhance economic impact on the North-East.



Q. With more and more insurgent groups joining peace talks with the government, the Northeast region is witnessing a drastic decline in insurgency in the last 5 to 6 years. Discuss the reasons for decline in insurgency in Northeast India. 150 words