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28th April, 2023

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Context: The World Health Organisation (WHO) has launched the Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) Initiative.


  • The world has faced unprecedented challenges in the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and other emerging infectious diseases.
  • To prevent and respond to such threats, countries need to strengthen their preparedness and resilience capacities and capabilities, with the objectives “Preparedness and Resilience for Emerging Threats (PRET) Initiative” launched by the World Health Organization (WHO).


  • The PRET Initiative aims to provide "guidance on integrated planning for responding to any respiratory pathogen such as influenza or coronaviruses."
  • It is an innovative approach that recognizes that many systems, tools, and knowledge can be applied across different groups of pathogens based on their mode of transmission.
    • For example, respiratory pathogens such as influenza, coronaviruses, and respiratory syncytial virus share common features and require similar interventions for surveillance, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
  • By using a mode of transmission lens, the PRET Initiative aims to help countries develop integrated and comprehensive preparedness plans that can be adapted to any respiratory pathogen.

Learn From Experience

  • The PRET Initiative builds on the lessons learned and best practices from the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent public health emergencies.
  • It promotes shared learning and collective action among national, regional, and global stakeholders through technical resource packs, a peer learning network, and a community of practice.
  • It places equity, inclusivity, and coherence at the forefront of its efforts, ensuring that all populations have access to quality health services and information.

Aligned with the World Health Assembly resolutions

  • The PRET Initiative is aligned with the World Health Assembly resolutions on strengthening preparedness for health emergencies.
  • It supports countries in achieving global targets for developing or updating their respiratory pathogen pandemic plans by 2024.
  • It contributes to the broader goals of the International Health Regulations (2005) and the Universal Health Coverage agenda.


  • The PRET Initiative is a timely and relevant initiative that can help countries enhance their readiness and response capacities for any emerging threat. By working together, we can build a safer and healthier world for everyone.

Must Read Articles:

One Health approach:


Q. What is the main purpose of the PRET Initiative?

(A) To guide specific diseases such as influenza or coronaviruses

(B) To provide guidance on integrated planning for responding to any respiratory pathogen

(C) To guide the development of vaccines and treatments for emerging threats

(D) To guide coordinating humanitarian assistance for affected populations

Answer:  B


The PRET Initiative is an innovative approach to improving disease pandemic preparedness that recognizes that the same systems, capacities, knowledge, and tools can be leveraged and applied for groups of pathogens based on their mode of transmission (respiratory, vector-borne, foodborne etc.). It incorporates the latest tools and approaches for shared learning and collective action established during the COVID-19 pandemic and other recent public health emergencies.