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Record-Breaking Heatwave in Antarctica

10th August, 2024

Record-Breaking Heatwave in Antarctica

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  • For the second time in two years, Antarctica is experiencing a record-breaking heatwave during its winter season.
  • Since mid-July, ground temperatures have averaged 10 degrees Celsius higher than normal, with some days reaching up to 28 degrees above the usual levels.
  • In East Antarctica, temperatures are currently between minus 25 and minus 30 degrees Celsius, which is significantly warmer than the typical deep-winter range of minus 50 to minus 60 degrees Celsius.

Reasons for the Heatwave

Weakening of the Polar Vortex

  • Scientists attribute the higher temperatures to a weakening of the polar vortex, a band of cold air and low-pressure systems that normally confines cold air to the poles during the southern hemisphere's winter.
  • This year, the vortex has been disturbed by large-scale atmospheric waves, allowing warmer air to flow into Antarctica and increase temperatures.
  • British Antarctic Survey, noted that such a weakened vortex is a rare event, expected to occur only once every two decades.

READ ABOUT POLAR VORTEX:,colder%20air%20near%20the%20Poles.

Reduced Antarctic Sea Ice

  • Another contributing factor is the reduction in Antarctic sea ice extent.
  • In June, the sea ice extent was the second-lowest ever recorded for that time of year, following the record low of June 2023.
  • Sea ice plays a crucial role in regulating temperatures by reflecting sunlight and insulating the cold air from the relatively warmer water below.
  • With less sea ice, there is less insulation and more absorption of heat, leading to higher temperatures.
  • University of Washington suggests that reduced sea ice and a warmer Southern Ocean are likely contributing to the increased winter heat.

READ ABOUT ANTARCTICA’S SEA ICE:,and%20further%20sea%20level%20rise.

Impact of Global Warming

  • Antarctica is warming at an accelerated rate compared to the rest of the world. A 2023 study in Nature Climate Change indicates that the continent is warming at a rate of 22 to 0.32 degrees Celsius per decade, nearly twice as fast as the global average of 0.14 to 0.18 degrees Celsius per decade, as reported by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


Possible Fallouts of the Heatwave

Loss of Antarctic Ice Sheet

  • The ongoing heatwave is likely to exacerbate the loss of the Antarctic Ice Sheet, which could significantly impact global sea levels.
  • Antarctica has already experienced a 280% increase in ice mass loss from the 2000s and 2010s compared to the 1980s and 1990s.
  • The largest heatwave in March 2022 led to a portion of the ice sheet, roughly the size of Rome, collapsing.
  • The Antarctic Ice Sheet, which covers 98% of the continent and holds over 60% of the world's freshwater, could potentially cause significant sea level rise if it continues to melt.

Impact on Global Ocean Circulation

  • Rising temperatures in Antarctica are also affecting global ocean circulation, which plays a critical role in climate regulation by distributing heat, carbon, nutrients, and freshwater around the world.
  • A 2023 study published in Nature found that melting ice is slowing down this circulation.
  • Freshwater from the melting ice reduces the salinity and density of surface water, impairing its downward flow to the ocean’s depths. This disruption could have far-reaching effects on global climate patterns.

Solutions to Address the Antarctic Heatwave

Strengthen Climate Policies

  • Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Implement stricter regulations to cut emissions from major sources such as energy production, transportation, and industrial processes. Adopt renewable energy sources and promote energy efficiency.
  • International Agreements: Support and strengthen global climate agreements like the Paris Agreement to ensure collective action against climate change.

Enhance Climate Research and Monitoring

  • Invest in Research: Fund research initiatives focused on understanding Antarctic climate dynamics and the impacts of ice loss on global systems. Improved models and data can help predict and mitigate future changes.
  • Expand Monitoring Systems: Enhance satellite and ground-based monitoring of temperature, ice extent, and atmospheric conditions to provide accurate, real-time data.

Promote Sustainable Practices

  • Conservation Efforts: Support conservation initiatives aimed at preserving and restoring polar ecosystems. This includes protecting marine and terrestrial habitats affected by changing temperatures.
  • Sustainable Resource Management: Implement sustainable practices in industries that impact polar regions, such as fisheries and tourism.

Support for Climate-Resilient Technologies

  • Innovative Solutions: Invest in and promote the development of technologies that can help mitigate the effects of climate change, such as carbon capture and storage and advanced climate engineering methods.
  • Energy Efficiency: Support advancements in energy-efficient technologies and sustainable practices to reduce overall energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.


Q. Antarctica has seen unprecedented heatwaves recently. Examine the causes and impacts on its ecosystem and global climate. How should international climate policies adapt to these changes?