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Right to Protein Movement

3rd August, 2021


  • Recently, experts discussed on how the retail industry can help consumers become more aware about soy adoption through our panel discussion on ‘Soy for a Quality Protein Product Differentiator’ by Right To Protein.



  • Right to Protein is India's first health awareness campaign, calling all to bring proteins at the core of nutrition.


Protein and Soy

  • Protein is known as the building block of life. This is not only true in the case of humans but also animals.
  • Soy, one of the richest sources of protein, is emerging as a high-quality feed ingredient for poultry, livestock, and aquaculture amongst retailers.
  • Soybean meals can be a good substitute for meat and are also economically beneficial.
  • Soybean meal is also at times referred to as ‘gold standard’ owing to its protein content.
  • It is composed of amino acids which are highly digestible and make a good diet for the cattle.
  • Soy is a versatile and multifunctional source of protein.
  • Not only does it meet dietary needs but also produces energy and increases the metabolism rate.


Significance of the panel discussion

  • It aims to increase awareness about soybean meals and how they can be a quality protein product differentiator so that consumers having access to superior quality protein products can make healthier consumption choices.
  • Protein consumption has taken centre-stage ever since the pandemic began in 2020.
  • Consumers are moving towards healthy food consumption and are becoming more nutritionally aware – this is achieved by reading nutrition information charts on food packaging – which is becoming a big differentiator in the retail industry.
  • Information on feed consumed by livestock can help consumers differentiate between regular and superior quality products.



  • Deliberations on protein consumption in the country and such sessions can help highlight how retailers can play an important role in making India protein sufficient.
  • It highlights the role of retailers in making India protein sufficient.