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Roman Space Telescope    

22nd September, 2021


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In News

  • The Roman Space Telescope will survey the sky up to thousands of times faster than can be done with Hubble.



  • The Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is a NASA infrared space telescope currently under development.
  • It is based on an existing 2.4 m wide field of view primary mirror and will carry two scientific instruments.
  • It will be able to supersede Hubble, providing a panoramic field of view at least 100 times greater than Hubble's at similar image sharpness, or resolution.



  • The telescope will look at answers pondering scientists on Earth for decades including how galaxies form and evolve over cosmic time? How did the largest structures in the universe assemble? How did the Milky Way galaxy come to be in its current form?
  • Roman will give us the ability to see faint objects and view galaxies over long intervals of cosmic time.
  • That will allow us to study how galaxies assembled and transformed.
  • It will try to understand the evolution of galaxies not only of the Milky Way but in its neighboring regions as well.
  • Roman’s infrared detectors are ideal for capturing light emerging from those galaxies and can pick up signals from distant and fainter galaxies.
  • Right now, with telescopes like Hubble, we can sample tens of high-redshift galaxies. With Roman, we’ll be able to sample thousands.