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WTO SAFEGUARDS AGREEMENT What is this Agreement and what does it do? The Agreement on Safeguards of the World Trade Organization (WTO) establishes rules for the application of safeguard measures by WTO member countries. A safeguard is a temporary import restriction (for example a quota or a tariff increase) that a country is allowed to impose on a product if imports of that product are increasing so as to cause, or threaten to cause, serious injury to a domestic industry that produces a similar or directly competitive product. Under the WTO rules set forth in this Agreement, WTO member countries must conduct an investigation before they can apply a safeguard measure, and they must make a formal determination that imports of the product are significantly impairing or threatening to impair a domestic industry. Countries are also required to provide public notice to all interested parties of their intention to apply a safeguard measure and to give exporters ample opportunity to present their views. All members of the WTO are parties to this Agreement. The Agreement went into effect on January 1, 1995. It has no expiration date. |
EU's Safeguard Measure Background:
Criticism by WTO Countries:
India's Response and Retaliatory Measures:
WTO Safeguards Agreement and Compliance:
Implications and Trade Disputes:
Future Steps and WTO Meeting:
PRACTICE QUESTION Q. Discuss the role of the WTO's Safeguards Agreement in managing trade disputes. How do criticisms and retaliatory measures impact fair trade practices? Evaluate the effectiveness of the WTO's dispute resolution mechanisms in ensuring compliance with trade rules. |
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