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Sustainable Finance for Tiger Landscapes Conference

23rd April, 2024

Sustainable Finance for Tiger Landscapes Conference

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  • Bhutan will host the Sustainable Finance for Tiger Landscapes Conference on Earth Day 2024, aiming to secure $1 billion in new funding over the next decade to safeguard tiger habitats across Asia.

Conference Details:

  • The two-day event is being conducted under the patronage of Bhutan’s Queen, Jetsun Pema Wangchuck.
  • It is being co-organized by the Royal Government of Bhutan and the Tiger Conservation Coalition.
  • Expert panels at conference will discuss sustainable finance, UN’s Global Biodiversity Framework, and the role of public-private partnerships in tiger landscape preservation.

Importance of Tiger Conservation:

  • Preserving Biodiversity: Tiger conservation ensures the protection of not just tigers but also the diverse plants and animals in their habitats, maintaining the natural balance of ecosystems.
  • Ensuring Genetic Diversity: Connecting tiger reserves helps tigers mix genes, ensuring healthier and more adaptable populations that can better survive changes in their environment.
  • Reducing Conflicts: By protecting tiger habitats, we can reduce clashes between tigers and people, making both safer.
  • Stopping Poaching: Conservation efforts help stop the illegal trade in tiger parts, protecting these majestic animals from harm.
  • Empowering Communities: Involving locals in conservation efforts not only helps save tigers but also brings benefits to communities, promoting sustainable living and protecting tiger habitats from damaging developments

Challenges in Tiger Conservation:

  • Declining Tiger Populations in Certain Reserves: Despite progress in tiger conservation, some reserves in India, including Mizoram's Dampa reserve, West Bengal's Buxa reserve, and Jharkhand's Palamau reserve, have reported zero tiger presence.
  • Lack of Interconnectivity among Tiger Reserves: Poor connectivity between tiger reserves affects gene exchange among tiger populations, hindering genetic diversity and long-term sustainability.
  • Human-Tiger Conflict: Rapid habitat loss due to human encroachment has led to increased conflict between humans and tigers as tigers are forced to seek habitats in human-inhabited areas, which puts safety concerns for both humans and tigers.
  • Poaching and Illegal Wildlife Trade: Poaching remains a grave threat to tiger populations, driven by the high market value of tiger parts for personal and commercial purposes. The illegal wildlife trade exploits tigers for their body parts, which are considered prestigious or have medicinal value in certain cultures. Ex. Trophy hunting.
  • Impact of Linear Developments: Linear infrastructure projects like railways and roadways fragment tiger habitats, disrupting their movement patterns and threatening their survival.

Status of Tigers in India

5th cycle of India’s Tiger Census 2022, revealed 6.7%  increase in Tiger population in the past four years.

The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA), along with state forest departments, conservation NGOs, and the Wildlife Institute of India (WII), conducts the national tiger census every four years.

Population Growth:

India's tiger population has increased by 200 individuals from 2018 to 2022, reaching a total of 3,167 tigers.

This marks a positive trend compared to the 2,967 tigers recorded in 2018.

Growth Rate Variation:

The growth rate has slowed to 6.7% between 2018 and 2022, a notable decrease from the approximately 33% growth observed during 2014-2018.

Regional Changes:

Significant population increases were observed in the Shivalik Hills and Gangetic Plains regions.

However, tiger occupancy declined in Jharkhand, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, and Telangana.

Regional Hotspots:

The North East Hills and Brahmaputra Plains recorded 194 tigers through camera traps, with the Nilgiri cluster noted as the world's largest tiger population, playing a crucial role in tiger colonization of adjacent areas.

Decline in Specific Areas:

The Western Ghats region witnessed a decline in tiger occupancy, particularly in the Wayanad landscape and the Biligiriranga Hills.

Global Tiger Population:

Recent data from The International Union for Conservation of Nature suggests a potential 40% increase in tiger numbers, reaching around 4,500 in 2022.

Despite severe threats, this represents a remarkable stabilization and potential growth in tiger populations.

For a detailed study on Tiger reserves and policies, read the following article:,Prime%20Minister%20Indira%20Gandhi's%20tenure.&text=From%209%20tiger%20reserves%20since,of%20our%20tiger%20range%20states.


Q) Discuss the significance of tiger conservation efforts and the challenges faced in their implementation. Evaluate the status of tiger populations in India, highlighting growth rates, regional variations, and conservation hotspots. Examine the global context of tiger conservation, considering recent population trends and challenges. (250 Words)