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17th August, 2021

In News

  • Scientists from DBT Autonomous Institution, National Institute of Plant Genomics Research (NIPGR) have reported an effective defense strategy deployed by a resistant tomato cultivar against ToLCNDV.
  • It employs Sw5a (R gene) that recognizes AC4 protein (viral effector) of ToLCNDV to restrict virus spread.




  • Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) is a bipartite begomovirus.
  • It is widespread, with a geographical range also including the Far East, Middle East, North Africa and Europe.
  • Tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (ToLCNDV) infection causes severe losses in tomato yield worldwide.
  • Host range: The primary cultivated host of ToLCNDV is tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), but the virus is also known to infect 43 other plant species from a range of families, including Cucurbitaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Solanaceae, Malvaceae and Fabaceae.
  • Disease symptoms: Typical symptoms of ToLCNDV infection in its various hosts include leaf curling, vein thickening, puckering, purpling/darkening of leaf margins, leaf area reduction, internode shortening and severe stunting.