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6th May, 2023

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  • This year, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India envisages to celebrate the World Environment Day 2023 with a thrust on the Mission LiFE.

About Mission LiFE

  • The concept of LiFE, i.e., Lifestyle for Environment was introduced by the  Prime Minister, at the World Leaders' Summit in Glasgow at the 2021 UNFCCC COP26, when he gave a clarion call to rekindle a global pursuit to adopt sustainable lifestyle and practices.


  • It is designed with the objective to mobilise at least one billion Indians and other global citizens to take individual and collective action for protecting and conserving the environment in the period 2022–28.
  • Within India, at least 80 percent of all villages and urban local bodies are aimed to become environment-friendly by 2028.

About World Environment Day (WED)

  • It is celebrated annually on 5 June and encourages awareness and action for the protection of the environment.
  • First held in 1973, it has been a platform for raising awareness on environmental issues as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable development and wildlife crime.
  • World Environment Day is a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually.


  • World Environment Day was established in 1972 by the United Nations at the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment ( 5–16 June 1972), that had resulted from discussions on the integration of human interactions and the environment.
  • One year later, in 1973 the first WED was held with the theme "Only One Earth".

National Museum of Natural History (NMNH)

  • National Museum of Natural History in collaboration with National Zoological Park kick-started the Mass Mobilisation for Mission LiFE on Waste Reduced (Swachhata Actions) to bring behavioral changes among the masses.


  • The National Museum of Natural History (NMNH) was established as one of the national level institutions set up during the Silver Jubilee celebrations of India's Independence, to portray and promote awareness on the Natural Heritage of the country.

The objectives of the National Museum of Natural History are:

  • To develop the NMNH in the country's Capital to achieve the highest level of quality to promote environmental education on a national level.
  • To develop Regional offices (regional museum of natural history) in various regions of the country in order to extend its activities at the regional/local levels.
  • To develop museum-based educational projects at the level so as to help school curriculum on environmental education (EE).
  • To develop EE resource materials (such as audio-visual aids, low-cost teaching aids, school loan kits, etc.) to promote environmental education (EE).
  • To undertake research (museological and collection based) consonant with the scope and resources of the museum.
  • To extend professional help to other agencies/organizations regarding natural history collections/museums.
  • To develop national and international cooperation/collaboration with other organizations/professional bodies/museums related to natural history/EE.

Zoological Survey of India(ZSI)

  • Zoological Survey of India started the Mass Mobilisation for Mission LiFE on 'Save Water' and 'Say no to Plastics' to bring awareness among the youth.


  • The Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), founded on 1 July 1916 by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change of the Government of India as a premier Indian organisation in zoological research and studies to promote the survey, exploration and research of the fauna in the country.
  • Headquarters: Kolkata

National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM)

  • National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM), Chennai, initiated the Mass Mobilization for Mission LiFE through a “Signature Campaign” and “Green Pledge” of LiFE practices. 


  • The National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (NCSCM) was established by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) in 2011, as an autonomous institution to support the protection, conservation, rehabilitation, management, and policy advice of the coast.
  • NCSCM supports the nationwide adoption of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) approach by utilizing decision support systems based on cutting-edge science and knowledge and through networking with communities, government structures, and relevant reputable national and international institutes.


Q) Which of the following statements with reference to Indian environmental organisations is/are correct?

1. National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management is an autonomous institution to support the protection, conservation, rehabilitation, management, and policy advice of the coast.

2. National Museum of Natural History was established during the Silver Jubilee celebrations of India's Independence, to portray and promote awareness on the Natural Heritage of the country.

3. Zoological Survey of India, founded in 1916, is a premier Indian organisation in zoological research and studies to promote the survey, exploration and research of the fauna in the country.

  1. 1 and 2
  2. 2 and 3
  3. 1 and 3
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Correct Answer: 4